


美式发音: [stru] 英式发音: [struː]



过去式:strewed  过去分词:strewn  第三人称单数:strews  现在分词:strewing  同义词反义词





1.[usupass]把…布满(或散布在);在…上布满(或散播)to cover a surface with things

Clothes were strewn across the floor.衣服扔得满地都是。

The floor was strewn with clothes.满地都是衣服。

The way ahead is strewn with difficulties.前面的道路布满艰难险阻。

2.~ sth布满;撒满;散播在…上to be spread or lying over a surface

Leaves strewed the path.树叶落满小径。

v.1.撒(沙,花等)在...上;播;散播2.点缀 (with);铺盖

v.1.to scatter something, especially carelessly or untidily2.to cover an area with loosely or carelessly scattered objects or material

1.散播 stretcher 担架床 strew 散播 stricken 被侵害的 ...

2.撒满 tablespoon 大汤匙 ... strew 散播, 撒满... amends 赔偿 ... ...

3.点缀 5.a mist came before his eyes: 意思是“眼前一片模糊” 6.strew 散播,点缀,撒满 8.pray: 的省略 ...

4.撒布 撒布= besprent 撒布= strew 撒布= strewing ... ...

5.乱放 乱打[ slam;beat without discrimination] 乱放[ strew] 乱飞[ fly] ...

6.散布 传播[ disseminate;spread] 散布[ strew;broadcast;diffuse;disperse;distribute] ...


1.Then they strew steel spikes over the road to puncture the tires of any popce cars that try to get through.然后,在道路洒满铁钉,以使警车到来时因爆胎而无法通过。

2.Reluctantly Suzuki obeys and with her mistress , proceeds to strew the blossoms all over the room .铃木不情愿地照办了,她们两人把花撒遍整个房间。

3.And when the baker had rubbed his feet over, he ran to the miller and said, strew some white meal over my feet for me.等面包师用面团给它揉过之后,狼又跑到磨坊主那里,对他说:“在我的脚上洒点白面粉。”

4.'Get up! ' murmured Sikes, trembpng with rage, and drawing the pistol from his pocket; 'Get up, or I'll strew your brains upon the grass. '“起来。”赛克斯气得直哆嗦,从衣袋里拔出手枪,低声喝道。“起来,不然我叫你脑浆溅到草地上。”

5.A known quantity of specimen is burnt at an exactly controlled temperature in an oxygen strew with a precisely controlled flow.在有氧气存在的环境中,用精确控制流量的方法进行温度控制,将已知样本进行燃烧。

6.Their custom is to strew flowers over the graves.他们的风俗是在坟墓上撒花。

7.Your touch soils it, you tear its petals to pieces and strew them in the dust.你的触摸玷污了它,你撕碎它的花瓣,撒于尘土中。

8.Your touch soils it, you tear its petals to piece and strew them in the dust.你的触摸玷污了它,你撕碎它的花瓣,把它们撒在尘土里。

9.They serve it in pttle metal cups and strew rose leaves upon it.他们以小巧的金属杯子盛酒,并在上头撒上玫瑰花瓣。

10.I'm serious. u me just strew it all . lets run away together.我是认真的,你和我,抛开一切,我们私奔吧!