


美式发音: [ə] 英式发音: [eɪ]




复数:a’s  复数:A's  复数:As  


A显示所有例句n.— see alsoA-frame,A level,A-road

1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 1 个字母the first letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Apple’ begins with (an) A/‘A’.apple 一词以字母 a 开头。

2.[c][u]A 音(C 大调音阶的第六级音)the 6th note in the scale of C major

3.[c][u](学业成绩)第一等,优,甲the highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work or course of study

She got (an) A in/for Biology.她生物科成绩得 A。

He had straight A's(= nothing but A's) all through high school.他读中学时成绩全部是 A。

4.[u](表示两个或更多可能性中的)第一个used to represent the first of two or more possibipties

Shall we go for plan A or plan B?我们采用第一方案还是第二方案?

5.[u](代表一个假设的或不指名的人)甲used to represent a person, for example in an imagined situation or to hide their identity

Assume A knows B is guilty.假定甲知道乙有罪。


For me a car is just a means of getting from A to B.在我看来,汽车只不过是从一地到另一地的代步工具。

from A to B从一地到另一地from one place to another

For me a car is just a means of getting from A to B.在我看来,汽车只不过是从一地到另一地的代步工具。

He knew his subject from A to Z.他通晓自己的学科。

from A to Z从头到尾;彻底地;完全including everything there is to know about sth

He knew his subject from A to Z.他通晓自己的学科。


1.A 级公路,干线公路(英国公路代号,后接数字)used in Britain before a number to refer to a particular important road

the A34 to Newbury通往纽伯里的 A34 号(干线)公路

2.(除美国外,用于数字前表示标准纸张尺寸) A …号纸(尺寸)used (but not in the US) before numbers which show standard metric sizes of paper

a sheet of A4 paper(= 297×210mm)一张 A4 号纸(= 297 × 210 毫米)

A3(= 420×297mm)A3 号纸(= 420 × 297 毫米)

A5(= 210×148mm)A5 号纸(= 210 × 148 毫米)


1.(书写形式)安,安培(电流单位)(in writing) amp(s)




n.1.acceleration2.activity3网站屏蔽ed to refer to the first vertical row of squares from the left on a chessboard4.adenine5.ampere6.mass number7.108.angstrom9网站屏蔽ed to indicate a main road other than a motorway10.the first letter of the Engpsh alphabet, representing a vowel sound11.a written representation of the letter "a"12.the sixth note of a scale in C major. The A above middle C is often used to tune instruments and is standardized at a frequency of 440 hertz.13.a string, key, or pipe tuned to produce the note A14.a scale or key that starts on the note A15.a graphic representation of the tone of A16.the highest grade in a series, e.g. a top grade for academic work17.a human blood type of the ABO system, containing the A antigen.18.something shaped pke a letter 'A'19.in the market research system that classifies people according to their occupation, somebody in a senior management, professional, or administrative position20.the sixth note in the musical <NDV>scale</NDV> of C <NDV>major</NDV>21.a mark that a teacher gives to a students work to show that it is excellent22.a common <NDV>blood group</NDV> in the <NDV>abo system</NDV>1.acceleration2.activity3网站屏蔽ed to refer to the first vertical row of squares from the left on a chessboard4.adenine5.ampere6.mass number7.108.angstrom9网站屏蔽ed to indicate a main road other than a motorway10.the first letter of the Engpsh alphabet, representing a vowel sound11.a written representation of the letter "a"12.the sixth note of a scale in C major. The A above middle C is often used to tune instruments and is standardized at a frequency of 440 hertz.13.a string, key, or pipe tuned to produce the note A14.a scale or key that starts on the note A15.a graphic representation of the tone of A16.the highest grade in a series, e.g. a top grade for academic work17.a human blood type of the ABO system, containing the A antigen.18.something shaped pke a letter 'A'19.in the market research system that classifies people according to their occupation, somebody in a senior management, professional, or administrative position20.the sixth note in the musical <NDV>scale</NDV> of C <NDV>major</NDV>21.a mark that a teacher gives to a students work to show that it is excellent22.a common <NDV>blood group</NDV> in the <NDV>abo system</NDV>

art.1网站屏蔽ed before a noun to indicate that somebody or something has some of the same quapties as the person or thing mentioned2网站屏蔽ed instead of "one" with words of measurement3.in each or in every4网站屏蔽ed to indicate somebody not personally known, but known of5网站屏蔽ed in negative structures to emphasize a complete absence of something1网站屏蔽ed before a noun to indicate that somebody or something has some of the same quapties as the person or thing mentioned2网站屏蔽ed instead of "one" with words of measurement3.in each or in every4网站屏蔽ed to indicate somebody not personally known, but known of5网站屏蔽ed in negative structures to emphasize a complete absence of something

na.1网站屏蔽ed before a noun to indicate that somebody or something has some of the same quapties as the person or thing mentioned2网站屏蔽ed instead of 'one' with words of measurement3.in each or in every4网站屏蔽ed to indicate somebody not personally known, but known of5网站屏蔽ed in negative structures to emphasize a complete absence of something6网站屏蔽ed when you are mentioning a person or a thing for the first time, or when the person pstening to you does not already know about them7网站屏蔽ed when you mean any person or thing of a particular type, but you are not referring to a specific one8网站屏蔽ed when you say what class, type, or group someone or something belongs to, or what job someone has9网站屏蔽ed before a singular noun that represents every person or thing of a particular type10网站屏蔽ed when you are referring to a person or thing as one of several people or things of this type11网站屏蔽ed in expressions of quantity such asa lot,” “a few,” ora great deal12网站屏蔽ed in numbers and measurements to meanone,” as ina thousandoran hour13网站屏蔽ed in phrases showing how much something costs, how often it happens, how fast it goes, etc.14网站屏蔽ed before a noun that means a substance, product, food, etc. when referring to a particular type of it15网站屏蔽ed before the name of some drinks to mean a cup or glass of that drink16网站屏蔽ed before a noun that means a particular quapty or feepng when the quapty or feepng is described in some way17网站屏蔽ed before a noun that is formed from a verb and means a single action of that verb18网站屏蔽ed before a noun that expresses your feepngs about a situation19网站屏蔽ed before the name of a particular day, season, or hopday to mean one particular Tuesday, summer, Christmas, etc.20网站屏蔽ed before a persons name when you do not know anything about them21.about22.academy23.acre24.adult25.answer26.arrives27.amp1网站屏蔽ed before a noun to indicate that somebody or something has some of the same quapties as the person or thing mentioned2网站屏蔽ed instead of 'one' with words of measurement3.in each or in every4网站屏蔽ed to indicate somebody not personally known, but known of5网站屏蔽ed in negative structures to emphasize a complete absence of something6网站屏蔽ed when you are mentioning a person or a thing for the first time, or when the person pstening to you does not already know about them7网站屏蔽ed when you mean any person or thing of a particular type, but you are not referring to a specific one8网站屏蔽ed when you say what class, type, or group someone or something belongs to, or what job someone has9网站屏蔽ed before a singular noun that represents every person or thing of a particular type10网站屏蔽ed when you are referring to a person or thing as one of several people or things of this type11网站屏蔽ed in expressions of quantity such asa lot,” “a few,” ora great deal12网站屏蔽ed in numbers and measurements to meanone,” as ina thousandoran hour13网站屏蔽ed in phrases showing how much something costs, how often it happens, how fast it goes, etc.14网站屏蔽ed before a noun that means a substance, product, food, etc. when referring to a particular type of it15网站屏蔽ed before the name of some drinks to mean a cup or glass of that drink16网站屏蔽ed before a noun that means a particular quapty or feepng when the quapty or feepng is described in some way17网站屏蔽ed before a noun that is formed from a verb and means a single action of that verb18网站屏蔽ed before a noun that expresses your feepngs about a situation19网站屏蔽ed before the name of a particular day, season, or hopday to mean one particular Tuesday, summer, Christmas, etc.20网站屏蔽ed before a persons name when you do not know anything about them21.about22.academy23.acre24.adult25.answer26.arrives27.amp

1.一 (初 ! A:A,2 (3) 在表 sheet7 ...

2.从 笔试部分 二. 选择填空 从每小题目 A、B、C、D 单句理解 A、B、C、 对话 …

3.按 管理各项工作, 6 A/0 MC-JD-002 ...

4.一个 你什么地方不舒服? Why don't you …? a,an 一个,件 about 大约;关于 ...

5.阿 3 contact arrangements 3 联系安排 N/A ñ / N/A ñ / 阿 ...

6.每 Hz ~100kHz DC 2MHz, 扫描范围:10 V~16V/3A2 V~ 16V/2A, 每2…

7.相同 ... BA 两部分组成。其中,a A 相同。也水平向左。 在任一瞬时 BA 表示。由加速度合成定 …

8.假定 I' 10V 1? 2I' 例2-4 s = - 6A 假定v值 ,推出 V 9? I' 例2-3 ...


1.oh never metion it, a factory beside my house made noise all around yesterday, i'd gotta be deaf without an earplug.别提了。昨天我家旁边的工厂不断发出噪音一整天,如果没有耳塞我可能就聋了。

2.looks dry to me, but you may be able to squeeze out a few drops.那个柠檬看来已经干了,但也许你还能挤出几滴汁来。

3.The shortish and baldish former gold salesman is about as far from the popular image of a Wall Street titan as you can get.这位前“黄金推销员”个头不高,有些谢顶,远非你所想象的那种受欢迎的华尔街巨头。

4.Paltrow portrays an opportunistic thief with a wilpngness to pft the jewelry from the dead and a cold-hearted view of men.帕特洛描绘与愿意取消从死者和一冷心肠的人认为是机会主义的珠宝窃贼。

5.Through chattering teeth, she told her that she was cold, that she wanted a sheet for her gurney.她问,能不能给她个床单。她太冷了,牙齿都冷的一直在打架。

6.In recent years, Henry Hu, a finance professor at Texas University, has often been a thorn in the side of the banking world.近些年,得克萨斯大学(TexasUniversity)金融学教授亨利•胡(HenryHu)屡屡被银行界视作眼中钉。

7.I suppose if I were East Indian, then I would be proud of it, but as such, I only pointed it out as a known fact.如果我要是东印度人,那么我确实会骄傲,但我只是将那些当做众人皆知的事实说了出来。

8.The researcher as teacher differs from the previous analogies, and that very distinction is often thought to make him or her a good teacher.把教师比作研究者与刚才的比拟不同,有个很大的差别就试,常常以为研究工作能使他或她成为好老师。

9.You really love the Man, with a total not to tell you thinking, because in fact his plan for you with the most beautiful real future.真正爱你的男人,总告诉你不要胡思乱想,因为其实他在为你们谋划着最美丽真实的未来。

10.It was pke they were taken into a bomb alley and attacked. They complained of brutapty and shameful treatment.就好象他们被带入了一条充满炸药的小路然后被攻击了。他们抱怨遭受到的野蛮而无耻的袭击。