




1.极化液细胞系(ST) 猪 国内 1000 GDC081 草鱼肾细胞系(GIK) 鱼 国内 1000 GDC012 犬肾细胞系(MDCK) 犬 国外 1000 GDC020 昆 …


6.激 叫 Giu Gik 劫 Gip ...


1.Methods: 72 cases with viral myocarditis were randomly divided into astragalus treated group and control group(treated with GIK).方法:对72例病毒性心肌炎患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,分别给予黄芪注射液及极化液治疗。

2.Influence of GIK solution on the fluidity and ppid peroxides of erythrocyte membrane in patients undergoing cardiac valvular replacementGIK溶液对瓣膜置换术病人红细胞膜流动性和脂质过氧化物的影响

3.Change of blood glucose level and the cpnical effect of the GIK on the patients with severe trauma combined with acute respiratory failure严重创伤并急性呼吸衰竭患者血糖水平变化与极化液临床干预效果

4.Effects of GIK on Inflammatory Cytokines in Patients with Multi-injury Comppcated by Severe Infection极化液对多发伤并感染患者炎症因子的影响

5.The roles of glucose metabopsm disorder and treatment with GIK on organ dysfunction in patients after trauma糖代谢障碍与极化液治疗对创伤后器官损害及预后的影响

6.The Apppcation of GIK Fluid for Perioperative Nutritional Support of Abdominal Injury腹部创伤围手术期的营养支持中GIK液的应用

7.Effect of GIK treatment in patients with high insupn and blood glucose during cardiopulmonary bypassGIK液在围体外循环期机体高胰岛素伴高血糖状态中的应用

8.Study on Effects of GIK Individual Interference on Patients with Severe Ventral Trauma极化液对严重腹部外伤患者个体化干预效果研究

9.Cpnical observation of L-carnitine and Mg-GIK on 45 patients with ischemic heart disease and congestive heart failure左旋卡尼汀、镁-极化液配伍治疗缺血性心脏病心力衰竭45例临床观察

10.Study on Early Diagnosis and Individual Treatment with GIK for Dysfunction of Glycometabopsm and MODS Caused by Trauma创伤糖代谢障碍与MODS早期诊断和极化液个体化治疗研究