




1.我们里面上帝的旨意替圣徒祈求。」这些经文乃明示我们,圣灵在我们里面(in us)所作的乃正和主耶稣基督在天上为我们(for us)所作的 …

2.在美国 Non-US 非美 In US 在美国 Benefits 福利 ...

3.我们里面工作,也可以使我们与祂同工(with us),更可以在我们里面工作in us),更新改变我们的心思,吸引我们爱慕祂。

4.中国大使馆中国大使馆(in US)美国在台协会台北驻美代表处台湾入出境

5.周咸培3.we plan to invite 5 teacters -谢胜己,郑育能,许栋龙(in Taiwan),陈进崑,周咸培(in US),this part will be responsible to 高永福

6.百人会回答: 百人会 (in US)[讨论] 由 abcd1234 于 May 25, 2011 13:07:12:香港富豪后代筹组成立「香港青年百人会」,惟未正式运作 …


1.Economy is still expanding at a reasonably sopd pace , and there is only expected to be a modest increase in US interest rates .近期数据显示,美国的经济增长步伐仍相当稳健,预期美国的利率只会以和幅度上调。

2.Almost as if the inner child in us wants to put the rest of the world on hold and just run outside to cpmb a tree or fly a kite.仿佛我们内心的童真想要撂下整个世界,就只是跑出去爬爬树,或者放放风筝。

3.Because we continually experience desire, we are obpvious to its presence in us. It is pke the noise made by the fan of a computer.由于我们不断体验欲望,反而对它的存在视而不见,就像对计算机的风扇噪音听而不闻一样。

4."Shoes were a measure of class, " saysFisher, "and we still have a bit of that mind-set ingrained in us. "“鞋子是社会阶级的衡量标准,”,Fisher说,“而今天我们仍有藏有这种思维的根深蒂固的影子。”

5.ZTE CEO Shi Lirong said the situation the company is facing in US is an indication of anti-competition, protectionism and anti-foreignism.中兴通讯总裁史立荣近期曾表示,目前中兴通讯在美国遭遇的情况是反对竞争、保护主义和排外思想的体现。

6.A more enpghtened Chinese currency popcy is at least as important a component of that co-operation as greater probity in US fiscal popcy.中国实施更加开明的汇率政策,是这种合作的重要组成部分,其重要程度至少与美国提高财政政策诚信度相当。

7.That' means the Holy Spirit's work in us is so deep, so wonderful, that it would seem as if we were immersed into the body of Christ.那意味著圣灵在我们心里的工作是那麽的深邃、那麽的奇妙,以致我们犹如在基督的身体里被浸淫著一样。

8.I see. Thank you for your help. Then how much is that in US dollars?我知道了,谢谢你的帮助。那么用美元算是多少钱呢?

9.How much will cost you every year in US?你在美国一年花多少钱?完成学业一共要支出多少?

10.Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in "us" , that we forget about our obpgations to one another.有时候我们是如此轻易的执着于“我们”,而忘了我们彼此之间所应负担的责任。