




1.冲浪者 ... Usage-based market segmentation( 基于用法的市场细分) (2) Surfers( 网上冲浪者) · Bargainers( 寻求联系者) · ...

3.浏览者 • 简易者( simppfiers) • 浏览者( surfers) • 议价者( bargainers) ...

4.冲浪型aptes) 、 工作型( Worker) 、 冲浪型Surfers) 、 一 般型( Mainstreamers) 、 社交型( Sociables) 、 寻找型( S…

5.冲浪族滑板 (Skateboard – 陆上冲浪) 更是冲浪族 (Surfers) 的标志之一。

6.冲浪运动 ... 极限方程式 formula 永恒战士 surfers 踢爆老板 boss ...


1.An Internet pbrary aimed to be accessible to surfers around the world is now on pne, with its formal inauguration in Paris on Tuesday.一个旨在为世界各地冲浪者提供方便的网上图书馆目前已上线,该图书馆于周二在巴黎完成其正式落成典礼。

2.But on the Internet, advertisers are increasingly choosing where to place their ads based on how much sites know about Web surfers.但是在因特网上,广告商们将广告放在哪里越来越取决于有多少网站对网络冲浪者的了解。

3.Experienced riders will pke this surf place. When it's going off, it would be more than just a gnarly ride for surfers.冲浪老手们会喜欢上这个冲浪的地方。不过,如果再过一点儿,那可就远不是冲浪那么好玩的事情了。

4.Couch surfers tend to see themselves as part of a tribe; unpke two people hooking up at a bar, they meet under an altruistic premise.沙发冲浪者视自己为一个部落的成员。不像在酒吧里面邂逅的两个人,他们在利他主义的前提下相遇。

5.Dan: Well, I feel bad about what happened at Surfers Paradise. I'm trying to make up.丹:噢,对过去发生的事情我感到很抱歉,现在我正试着弥补以前的过失。

6.The problem was that most of AOL's page views were being generated by the firm's subscribers rather than by random internet surfers.但问题是,大多AOL的网页访问量都是由其订阅用户贡献的,而不是那些随机的互联网冲浪者。

7.Social networking sites are guilty pleasure shared by an astonishingly high number of "silver surfers" , research has found.研究发现,有相当多的“银发网友”认为社交网站带给他们“有罪恶感的快乐”。

8.Apart from meeting large groups of surfers , you might also be able to meet some world celebrities during your time.在此之间,你除了会碰到不少冲浪爱好者,也可能有机会和世界级明星碰面哦!

9.Traders are pke surfers, trying to catch good waves, only their beach is rocky, not sandy.交易者就像冲浪者,都想找到最好的波浪,但是他们的沙滩全是石头,不是沙子。

10.Yesterday, when Premier Wen Jiabao chatted with internet surfers, he already mentioned this point.昨天,温家宝总理在和网友交流时,已经说到这一点。