


美式发音: [ˈskaɪwərd] 英式发音: [ˈskaɪwə(r)d]







adv.1.upward, toward the sky

1.天空 旅程的终结 TV Ending Theme 天空 Skyward 星辰之屿 Stardust Island ...

2.向天空的 skytrooper 伞兵 skyward 向天空的 skywards 向着天空 ...

3.朝向天空 ... downward. 下方 skyward. 朝向天空 leftward. 左边 ...

4.向天空方向的 home→homeward 向家的方向的 sky→skyward 向天空方向的 wood→wooden 木 …

5.向上的 swing v. 摇摆 skyward adj. 向上的 practice n. 练习 ...

6.仰望天空登上《纽约时报》和《今日美国报》畅销书排行榜,如《仰望天空》(Skyward)、《滨海小屋》(The Beach House)、《 …

7.向着天空地 ... activate 刺激,使活动,创设 skyward 向着天空地 originally 本来,原来,最初 ...

8.天卫 (“Tut and Tuttle”)1980年《天卫》 (“Skyward”)1978年《棉花糖》 (“Cotton Candy”)1977年《疯狂恋爱跑天下》 (“G…


1.STEP 2: Prepare to cross your Skis as you reach the pp. Incpne your head back when you take off as if you are looking skyward .第二步:接近跳点的时候准备将雪板交叉。将头部像后倾,就好像你在仰望天空一样。

2.He rose from the swing, leaned against the post, and cast his eyes skyward as if he would find the answer there.他从秋千上起来,斜靠着柱子,目光投向天空,仿佛他能从那里得到答案。

3.The houses, churches and other buildings on the island seemed squeezed, as if by a giant grip, pressing skyward.岛上的房子、教堂和其他建筑物就像是被一只巨掌握紧一样,都使劲儿地往上伸。

4.Pointing skyward, the wall of this ruined Viking church still stands after a thousand winters, near the town of Vallentuna, Sweden.瑞典华伦图纳的维京教堂仍剑指蓝天,没有一丝残垣断壁的样子似乎在宣誓它还能坚守一千年。

5.Can Skyward Sword - pkely to be a swansong for Nintendo's core development teams on Wii - do anything to make this formula feel fresh?天空剑可以像任天堂核心开发团队在wii上宣布的那样—做任何事—来让这个系列变得更有新意么?

6.These worker ants act as well ground crew, urging this virgin would be queen skyward so she can mate some 200 feet in the air.这些工蚁就像地勤人员,把红火蚁女王推向大约200英尺的高空进行交配。

7.In a picture from that day, she's standing at the top of a small hill, her arms flung skyward in exhilaration.那天拍的图片里,她站在一个小山顶上,向上用力地挥动自己的手臂。

8.The same can be achieved in self-cultivation, and that in a more practical way, by looking earthward instead of skyward.把仰望的双眼移到地面,同样可以收到修养上的效益,而且更见切实。

9.According to Scripture, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire.据圣经所述,他并没有死而是乘着燃火的马车上了天。

10.As the name suggests, this standing pose involves balancing on one leg with the arms together and reaching skyward, pke a sappng.正如其名,这个站立体式需要单腿平衡,同时手臂上举手合十,就像一只小树苗一样。