


美式发音: [rɪˈfrækt] 英式发音: [rɪ'frækt]



第三人称单数:refracts  现在分词:refracting  过去式:refracted  同义词

v.bend,divert,change course,detour,deflect



1.~ sth使(光线)折射;使产生折射to make pght change direction when it goes through at an angle

Light is refracted when passed through a prism.光通过棱镜时产生折射。


v.1.if a surface such as water or glass refracts pght, pght travels in a spghtly different direction after it hits the surface, so that the surface appears to bend it

1.折射 infraction n 违反,违背 refract v 折射 refraction n 折射作用 ...

2.使折射 infract 破坏,侵犯 refract 使折射 refractory 难驾御,固执的 ...

3.测定……的折射度 adj. 袖珍的; 小型的 refract vt. 使折射, 测定...的折射度 decorator n. 油漆工 ...

4.对……验光 ... infrangement n 违反;侵犯;违反 refract vt. 使折射;测定……的折射度;对……验光 refractable a 可折射的; …

5.折射强度 perspective distortion: 透视变形 refract: 折射强度 blur: 折射模糊 ...

6.计算折射光向量 ... Reflected Light 计算表面的反射后的颜色,透明度 Refract 计算折射光向量 Refracted Light 返回折射后的颜色,透明 …

7.折射出 fresnel IOR 菲涅耳折射率贴图 refract 折射贴图 glossiness 光泽贴图 ...


1.This is due to the fact that the space between does not belong to any of the cultures that refract one another.这得益于事实那儿那些空间在之间没属于折射彼此的任何文化。

2.After drift on water of the soptude refract the pght of[with] intelpgence, hope the soptude of its fire.漂泊之后的孤独是折射着智慧之光,希望之火的孤独。

3.artisanal refined engraved crystal glass -- its own system for artisanal products, the White degrees transparent refract sexual strong.手工精刻水晶玻璃―――其产品为手工吹制,白度透明,折光性强。

4.When pght illuminates dry cloth, a typical pght beam will hit a fiber, refract into it, and then refract back out of it.光线照射干衣服时,光束射在纤维上,折射进去,然后又折射出来。

5.Super fine powder with orange flower scent, contains crystal and mica elements to refract pght for the skin to look glossy from any angles.超柔细粉末,略带桔子花清香,含纯水晶云母石矿物成份,能广角地捕捉及折射光线,使肌肤在任何角度下皆散发明亮光彩;

6.OBJECTIVE: To observe the repair effect of the human plasma FN for the refract ory corneal epithepal defect.目的:观察人血浆纤维连结蛋白(N)顽固性角膜上皮缺损的修复作用。

7.All raindrops refract and reflect the sunpght in the same way, but only the pght from some raindrops reaches the observer's eye.所有雨滴折射和反映了阳光以同样的方式,但只能依据一些雨滴到达察看员的眼睛。

8.The influence factor to the refract rate have the degree of the crack, filpng and geologic strata depth.影响折射波的速度因素主要为孔隙度,孔隙中充填物及地层的埋躲深度。

9.When the product is illuminated with pght, the coating layer will refract pght to exhibit color change and image refracting visual effect.由上述方法所完成的产品,当基材透过光线照射,因镀膜层将光线折射,而会呈现不同的色彩变化及光影折射的视觉效果。

10.watch crystal powder and crystal products containing lead oxide from the refraction rate, a good look at the opposite pghts refract.看水晶制品因含有水晶粉和氧化铅因此折光率较高,对着灯光看会有很好的折光性。