




1.支持性环境 ... *supporting contribution 支助性捐款 *supportive environment 支持性环境 *Survey,IMF 货币基金组织调查 ...

2.支持性的环境 ... 因子 2 命名为社会技能( social skills) 因子2 命名为 环境支持( supportive environment ) ...

4.支持环境 ... 因子 2 命名为社会技能( social skills) 因子2 命名为 环境支持( supportive environment ) ...


1.Stable ownership by four generations of the same family has created a strong and supportive environment for continuous development.同一个家族的四代人掌管经营着通力,这种稳定的权力结构为通力的持续发展提供了一个强有力的支持。

2.The key to developing a supportive environment is the estabpshment of a cpmate of open communication throughout the organization .形成助人环境的关键是在整个组织形成一股坦诚交流的风气。

3.The supportive environment provided by a spiritual community is an integral part of the path.由灵修社群提供的支持性环境,是解脱道次第不可或缺的一部份。

4.First, you would need a supportive environment where you feel loved and belonged before you can be respected for your work.第一,你要先得到同事的支持和关心,有了工作的归属感,之后才能得到别人的尊重。

5.AGSM created a comfortable, supportive environment to allow me to try those things I was not comfortable with.澳大利亚治理学院创造了支持学员的舒适环境,让我可以尝试那些我不太适应的事物。

6.Encourage the whole family to help build a supportive environment that children need for success in school.鼓励家庭成员共同协助为孩子在学校的健康成长建立一个辅助环境。

7.The Nottingham Business School DBA provides a supportive environment , encouraging networking between peers , academics and guest speakers .诺丁汉商学院的DBA课程提供了一个支持性的学习氛围,并鼓励学员,同僚与特约演讲者之间的沟通与互动。

8.In a supportive environment of your peers, you can enhance your management skills.在一个支持性环境的同龄人,您可以提高您的管理技能。

9.The tutorial allows thinking to develop in a supportive environment and the opportunity to explore topics of particular interest .这种课程是在全支持的环境中,让学生思考如何发展和探索一些有兴趣的特别主题。

10.Are there constraints, challenges as well as solutions to create supportive environment?创造支持性社会环境有哪些障碍或挑战?通过哪些途径去克服?