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un.1.island in the Caribbean, part of Trinidad and Tobago.

1.多巴哥岛 Tisza 提萨河 Tobago 多巴哥岛 Tobol 托博尔河 ...


3.他巴哥 菲律宾 Phipppines 他巴哥 Tobago 波兰 Poland ...

4.多巴哥地图 尼加拉瓜( Nicaragua) 托贝哥( Tobago) 夏威夷( Haiwaii) ...

6.千里达和多巴哥 The State of Qatar( 卡塔尔国) Tobago( 千里达和多巴哥) Wake Island( 威克岛) ...

7.托巴哥岛地理位置 位於加勒比海东部小安地列斯群岛最南端,分为千里达岛(TRINIDAD)及托巴哥岛(TOBAGO)。 气候 属於热带海洋性 …


1.So the trips he plans to make over the next three weeks to Singapore, India, Trinidad and Tobago, China and South Korea are a novelty.因此,接下来三周对新加坡、印度、特立尼达和多巴哥、中国和韩国的访问实乃破天荒第一次。

2.Birmingham officials are also in negotiations with Sunderland trying to agree a fee for their Trinidad & Tobago hitman Jones.伯明翰官网同样希望与桑德兰谈判签下特立尼达和多巴哥球星琼斯。

3.The hit song " Yes, We Have No Bananas, " is reminiscent of this drum-heavy musical style , especially from Trinidad and Tobago.畅销曲“是的,我们没有香蕉”令人想起这种特别是出自千里达和托巴哥鼓声沉重的音乐风格。

4.The chain of islands from Barbados to Tobago is expected to be the most gravely affected by the sinking of the Caribbean Plate.从巴巴多斯到多巴哥岛的岛链预期受到加勒比板块下沉的影响最严重。

5.It was the troupe's concluding performance in Trinidad and Tobago and the first time for a group of Chinese performing artists to visit UWI.这是中国文化团体首次访演西印度大学,也是南京杂技团此次访特的谢幕演出。

6.He said that the exhibition was another example that the Chinese Embassy, as always, valued its friendly cooperation with Tobago.他表示这是中国使馆重视与多巴哥友好合作的又一例证。

7.The islands from Barbados to Tobago were cited by the Zetas to be the worst affected during the S American roll.从巴巴多斯到多巴哥岛的岛屿被齐塔人引用为在南美滚动期间受影响最严重的地区。

8.Calypso is a traditional performing art form of music and rap originated in Trinidad and Tobago and spreads widely in the Caribbean Islands.“卡利普索小调”是殖民时期发源于特多的一种说唱艺术,随后在加勒比诸岛广泛流行。

9.The Carnival kicks off over the weekend and is considered a major social and cultural event in Trinidad and Tobago.整个周末未歇的嘉年华会,是该国重要的社会文化活动。

10.From Mexico, President Obama traveled Friday to the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago for the Fifth Summit of the Americas.奥巴马周五从墨西哥返回,到达加勒比国家的特里尼达和多巴哥参加美洲峰会。