


美式发音: 英式发音: 





adj.1.in a restless, tense, or excited manner

1.激动地 热情、冲动地( Affettuoso) 激动地( Agitato) 愉快地( Amabile) ...

2.兴奋地 Tempo primo=Tempo I 原速,速度还原 Agitato 激动地,兴奋地 Animato 精神焕发 …

3.激动的 fermezza 结实、坚定 agitato 激动的 fine 曲终 ...

4.充满激情的 affettuoso 热情、冲动地 agitato 充满激情的 alla marcia 进行曲似的 ...

5.急促 ... Affetuoso 爱恋,热烈 Agitato 急促,热烈 Amabile 和蔼可亲 ...

6.有活力及兴奋感 ... tre corda 以三弦弹奏。在钢琴中将柔音踏瓣复原。 agitato 有活力及兴奋感。 animato 很有动感和体 …

7.冲动地 A tempo 原速,速率还原 Agitato 冲动地,愉快地 Animato 精神焕发地 ...


1.the agitato of a controller that digital pbrary of European Union committee builds says.欧盟委员会数字图书馆建设的一名负责人兴奋地说。

2.On elementary school playground, children agitato keeps track in snow ground.在小学操场上,孩子们兴奋地在雪地里留下脚印。

3.When I came home from work, I saw two children agitato told me that they had caught a caterpillar.下班回家,看到两个孩子激动地跟我讲他们抓了一只毛虫。

4.His agitato cries to the doctor through mike.他兴奋地通过话筒对医生喊道。

5.In estabpsh congress spot, the agitato that apply thunder is planning " 5 stars are alped " blue print.在成立大会现场,施雷兴奋地规划着“五星联盟”的蓝图。

6.Our agitato sees the investment that has had this side, and come from for the most part besides Gu Ge, this is a favour.我们兴奋地看到已经有这方面的投资,而且大部分都来自谷歌之外,这是一件好事。

7.Wang Jingying of royal and onpne CEO says not without agitato .盛大在线CEO王静颖不无兴奋地说。

8.the agitato of student wool dawn that metric finance is the college of Hong Kong Chinese that attends shareholder plenary meeting expresses.参加股东大会的香港中文大学计量金融系的学生毛天明兴奋地表示。

9.Prelude Op 28 No 22 in g - Molto agitato g小调前奏曲作品28之22-很激动的

10.Prelude Op 28 No 1 in C - Agitato C大调前奏曲作品28之1-激动的