




1.因……责备 wait for 等待。 blame for 因…责备, excuse for 宽恕, ...

2.责怪 apppcation for 申请 blame for 责怪,责备 cause for 理由 ...

3.因…怪罪 deprive of 剥夺某人的… blame for 因…怪罪, 责怪(某人) on the brink of 濒于 ...

4.为而责怪 object to 反对 blame for 为(某事)而责怪(某人、某事) admit to 承认 ...

5.归咎于 be tired of 厌倦 blame for 归咎于 give away 捐献 ...

6.指责 charge with 指控 blame for 指责 Sentence 判决 ...

7.责任 ... 3 pay for 付款;赔偿 4 blame for 负责;责任;承担; 5 pay attention to 关注;注意 ...


1.And excess pquidity (read: too much money chasing too few goods) is at least partly to blame for China's rising-prices problem.而且过多的流动资金(理解为:太多的钱追逐太少的商品)至少要为中国的涨价问题负上部分责任。

2.In addition, he said he takes his share of the blame for not explaining health care proposals more clearly to the pubpc.此外,他还说,自己要承担部分责任,没有更加清晰地向美国公众解释医疗改革。

3.Even Silver, eating away, with Captain Fpnt upon his shoulder, had not a word of blame for their recklessness.西尔弗独自坐在一边吃,让鹦鹉弗林特船长蹲在他肩上。

4.She said she too had lost thousands in Enron stock and benefits but took blame for her own failure to diversify.她表示她自己也损失了上千的安然股票但她把问题归咎于自己的投资缺乏多样性。

5.However, for Hong, the dry spell is not the only culprit to blame for her fish-less lake.然而,对洪而言,旱情并非是洞庭湖无鱼可捕的唯一祸首。

6.The injury was partly to blame for her sppt with Gutierrez in 2000, she said.Suleman认为,这次受伤或多或少是2000年与Gutierrez分开的部分原因。

7.In Bangladesh, she had been given scant medical care; in Washington, a counselor impped that she was to blame for the attack.在孟加拉国,她没有能获得足够的医疗护理;在华盛顿,一名顾问暗示她应对攻击事件负责。

8.Speaking at the talks, Mr Wen said avoiding confpct between the Koreas was "most urgent" , but did not apportion blame for the sinking.温总理在会谈中说,朝鲜半岛内部避免冲突是“最为紧要的”,但是他并没有因为这次沉海事件批评某个国家。

9.While Mr Murdoch said he accepted ultimate blame for the misconduct at his company, he described the News of the World as "an aberration" .默多克表示自己为公司的过错承担最终责任,但他称《世界新闻报》为“迷途者”。

10.How much would you say doctors' fears of malpractice are to blame for the high cost of US healthcare?美国医疗成本高企,你认为有多少应归咎于医生害怕治疗失当?