




1.阿尔卡特 telecom itapa 意大利 alcatel 法国 telefonica 西班牙 ...

4.上海贝尔阿尔卡特上海贝尔阿尔卡特ALCATEL)http://www.alcatel-sbell网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/ SPEED TOUCH Home Plus 511 无密码 USB口AD…

5.阿尔卡特朗讯昨天,这两家手机厂商分别遭到了阿尔卡特朗讯Alcatel)和爱立信(Ecrisson)在美国的专利起诉,电信行业的专利之争越发 …

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1.The company has struggled ever since it was formed by the merger of France's Alcatel and Lucent Technologies of the U. S. five years ago.自从法国的阿尔卡特和美国的朗讯科技(LucentTechnologies)在五年前合并以来,阿尔卡特-朗讯就一直在苦苦挣扎。

2.and Huawei [HWT. UL] said they had not heard of any bid for Alcatel-Lucent.中兴和华为[HWT.UL]的发言人表示,未听说有关收购阿尔卡特-朗讯的任何消息。

3.As the GUI is common with the Alcatel SMC product, some parts are not used for VoIP apppcations and therefor not treated in this manual.因为图形用户界面在阿尔卡特的服务管理中心产品中是普遍的,某些不是用于VoIP软件的部分因而也在此手册中忽略。

4.They enable users to benefit from the same level of features as on the Alcatel fixed desk digital phones when roaming across the company .它们使员工在整个公司漫游时可以享用与阿尔卡特的固定桌面数字电话相同的特性。

5.He reckons that his time as a customer will help him lead Alcatel-Lucent out of the shadows.他认为他作为客户的经历能够帮助他引领阿尔卡特朗讯从阴影中走出来。

6.In February, AT& T announced that it would buy the equipment it needed from Swedish-owned Ericsson and Paris-based Alcatel-Lucent.同年二月,AT&T声明它会从瑞典爱立信和巴黎阿朗(Alcatel-Lucent)那里采购所需设备。

7.Earper this week, Alcatel-Lucent scored a contract with China Mobile for fiber to the home and fiber to the building technology.本周早些时候,阿尔卡特朗讯同中国移动签订协议提供家庭和公司的光纤技术。

8.Questions around the status of Mr. Verwaayen highpght the headwinds Alcatel-Lucent is up against.围绕韦华恩地位的质疑凸显了阿尔卡特-朗讯面临的强大阻力。

9.Alcatel Vacuum Technology is an acknowledged world leader in vacuum solutions.阿尔卡特真空技术是真空应用领域内全球公认的领导者。

10.Alcatel-Lucent plans to reduce the number of seats on its board and appoint some new faces.公司计划缩减董事会成员,并任命一些新的面孔。