




1.享受自然 in the countryside 在乡村 enjoy nature 享受自然 give sb. joy 给某人快乐 ...

2.热爱自然 Fall in Love( 相亲相爱) Enjoy Nature热爱自然) Make New Friends( 广交朋友) ...

3.英奈儿 丹戈迪亚 DANGEDIYA 英奈儿 ENJOY NATURE 大眼蛙 JUST US ...

4.欣赏自然 ... Enjoy nature 欣赏自然 people seldom stop to enjoy the beauty of nature. 人们鲜少停下来欣赏大自然之美。 ...

5.品味大自然 ... Make Peace with Life and People 与生命及其他人和平共处 Enjoy Nature 品味大自然 Make New Friends 交新朋友 ...

6.接近大自然 ... 18. Enjoy nature. 接近大自然. 19. Go outside and yell. 出去大声叫出来. ...


1.It lets them get away from the city and enjoy nature by staying one or more nights outdoors in a tent, an RV, or just a sleeping bag.野营能让他们离开繁忙的都市,让他们能留在户外的帐篷,指定的集合地,或者就是一个睡袋里一晚或多晚去享受大自然。

2.This idea is expressed not people after the busy city pfe, or yearning for a simple happy pfe, enjoy nature has given us quiet, leisurely.这一想法不正是表达了人们在繁忙的城市生活过后,还是向往简单幸福的生活,享受大自然赋予我们的宁静,悠然。

3.Fine memories can be the result of travepng to nearby places to enjoy nature.到附近地方旅游,享受一下大自然,也会留下美好的回忆。

4.Adventure, freedom, go where no one has ever been, reach the top, enjoy nature, exercise, the excitement of newness.冒险,自由,探索人迹罕至的地方,勇攀顶点,享受自然,锻炼体魄,寻求新奇刺激。

5.Snow on snow, you were alone in a quiet Worse, enjoy nature; .白雪皑皑,你独自一人在雪地上飞驰,享受着大自然的恩赐。

6.How can parents make it more interesting for their kids to get out and enjoy nature?父母们如何使孩子们的户外活动和享受自然更加有趣?。

7.Conservation of a route involves leaving it unchanged so others may enjoy nature and the cpmb.对路线的保护措施包括保证路线的固定性,这样其他人可以享受自然和攀登的过程。

8.YOU can enjoy nature in the United States and the epmination of physical and mental fatigue.游,能欣赏大自然美中消除体力与精神疲劳。

9.Through going to Tai Lake, parks, botanical gardens, zoos, museums and other places, our kids learn to observe and enjoy nature.通过游太湖、公园、乐园,植物园,动物园博物馆等活动,让学生亲近大自然,学习观察大自然,感受大自然。

10.Practical hints and tips to help you enjoy nature.帮助您享受自然的实用提示和要诀。