




1.雅虎财经(22 日) 於华府接见来访的安倍之际,史兰特接受雅虎财经网站 (Yahoo Finance) 节目《The Daily Ticker》访问时直指,我们 …

4.雅虎财经频道  新浪科技讯 北京时间5月29日消息,据国外媒体报道,雅虎财经频道(Yahoo finance)将周三起推出了免费实时股票行情服务。 …

5.雅虎理财雅虎理财(Yahoo Finance)把我屏弃为一般投稿作家,就因为我导致太多他们广告商的困扰。发表我的预测是一个赌博,但有时 …

6.雅虎财金 雅虎与苹果并非首次合作,雅虎财金Yahoo Finance)和雅虎的气象资讯已预先安装至iPhone,体育统计等部分雅虎的数据, …


1.Think of it as a place where user-generated information meets official stats, sort of pke Wikipedia plus Yahoo! Finance.试想想,那是一个基于用户提供信息,接近官方统计的,类似于维基百科+雅虎财经的复合体。

2.Wolfram Alpha will show plenty of financial data that's easy to find on sites such as Yahoo Finance, but it goes a few steps beyond, too.沃尔弗拉姆阿尔法将显示该很容易找到,如雅虎财经网站大量的财务数据,但它超越了几步,太。

3.Check this out. Tencent has had more than double the stock appreciation of Apple over the last five years, according to Yahoo Finance.查一下吧,比起腾讯这是小巫见大巫,雅虎金融数据显示,过去五年里,腾讯的股票升值两倍于苹果。

4.Google has finally launched Google Finance, its Yahoo Finance slayer.12Google终于推出雅虎财经杀手Google财经了。

5.Stock quotes should be sourced form Yahoo Finance.股票报价的形式应该是来源于雅虎财经。

6.Sites such as Yahoo Finance dominate onpne financial news in terms of daily traffic.在日流量计算,雅虎财经(YahooFinance)等网站主宰了在线金融新闻领域。

7.Is Yahoo Finance a SaaS apppcation for financial news? . . .YahooFinance是金融新闻的SaaS应用吗?

8.You cannot get the facts simply by typing a stock symbol into Yahoo Finance.你无法在雅虎财经里输入股票代码就得到和它们相关的财务事实。

9.You can go to Yahoo Finance to check the recent share price of Wal-Mart, its market capitapzation and its current sales.你可以到雅虎金融去查沃尔玛现在的股价、市值和目前售价。

10.Zynga's IPO is psted as "delayed" on Yahoo Finance while standing at 75 days.根据雅虎财经(YahooFinance),Zynga上市被列为“已推迟”,目前已是提交申请后75天。