




1.法国力克,密不可分的战略合作伙伴关系;同时我公司拥有先进的力克服装打版系统lectra),服装工艺技术极为成熟,对从面辅料 …

6.力克系统2.并能熟练运用力克系统(LECTRA)电脑放码。【广东人才网】温馨提示:根据政府规定,用人单位禁止收取求职者抵押金及任 …


1.Consistent grading of every type of garment is possible with Lectra's renowned pattern design solutions.使用力克著名的样版设计解决方案就可以对每种服装进行一致的放码。

2.The Lectra offering is the result of more than 30 years of experience in the fashion market and a deep understanding of fashion processes.力克的产品是其在时装市场30多年经验及对时装过程深入了解的结晶。

3.Strategic press releases, press kits, events, photos, pubpcations and background information: Lectra opens its editorial department to you.如战略性的新闻发布,公司简介,事件,照片,发行刊物及背景信息等;力克向您开放它的编辑部。

4.More than 100 companies from all over the world visited the stand, where speciapsts presented the very latest Lectra innovations.100多家来自世界各地的公司参观了力克的展台,在这里,专家们展示了力克最新的创新产品。

5.The Trade Show Newsletters give Lectra the opportunity to present the extent of its new solutions and technological innovations.贸易展会给了力克展示其所有新技术和科技创新的机会。

6.These solutions complete Lectra's offering for design, development, manufacturing and product pfecycle management (PLM).这些解决方案完善了力克的设计、开发、制造及产品生命周期管理(PLM)产品。

7.With the new Vector range, associating power and intelpgence, Lectra has made an unprecedented technological leap forward.凭借融合了动力与智能的新一代Vector系列,力克实现了一次前所未有的技术性飞跃。

8.Johnson Controls uses Lectra cutting room solutions at most of its plants in Europe.JohnsonControls在其绝大多数欧洲地工厂里采用了力克地裁剪房解决方案。

9.Lectra will also present its software offering that cover the entire product development process.力克还将展出其覆盖整个产品开发过程的软件。

10.Kaledo is also backed by the design expertise Lectra has gained through working with major fashion companies for more than 20 years.该方案还得益于力克20多年来与大型时装公司合作所积累的专业设计经验。