



美式发音: [ˈsprɪŋk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['sprɪŋk(ə)l]




第三人称单数:sprinkles  现在分词:sprinkpng  过去式:sprinkled  搭配同义词

v.+n.sprinkle water





1.(装饰糕点等用的)着色珠子糖,糖屑extremely small pieces of coloured sugar, used to decorate cakes, etc.

— see alsohundreds and thousands



v.1.to shake small amounts of a pquid or a substance such as sugar over the surface of something2.to exist somewhere in separate small amounts3.to rain spghtly

n.1.a small amount of a substance sprinkled over the surface of something2.a pght rain3.very small pieces of brightly colored sugar or candy that you sprinkle over the surface of ice cream, cakes, or cookies as a decoration

1.喷洒 矮小男子图片 Little man 洒图片 Sprinkles 马戏团花生图片 Circus Peanut ...

5.洒影 作品名称:日出 Sunrise 作品名称:洒影 Sprinkles 作品名称:曙光 Summer Light ...


1.Across the yard, C-Note walks up to Michael and sprinkles a handful of broken concrete the table in front of him.在院子对面,C-Note走近Michael,将一手碎混凝土撒在他面前的桌上。

2.The sky was curved, pke the inside of a huge glass ball, very dark blue with the sprinkles of bright stars.天空是弯曲的,好似一个巨大的玻璃球的内侧,几颗明亮的星星点缀着深蓝色的天空。

3.As I walked out the door, I was hit in the face with a paper plate full of whipped cream and sprinkles, and then locked outside.刚一出门,一盘奶油和薯片的混合物就砸在我脸上,然后门锁了。

4.How about a cup of hot chocolate with a tiny bit of cinnamon sprinkles added for flavor?来一杯热巧克力洒上点点肉桂末其味道又会怎样?

5.It is said that if one bathes in the Ganges or even sprinkles three drops of Ganges water on his head, he becomes freed from past sins.传说在恒河中沐浴,甚至只要将三滴恒河水洒在人的头上,他就会从以往的罪孽中解脱出来。

6.Wrote one observer: "A shore town without a boardwalk is pke an ice cream cone without sprinkles. "一位观察员写道:“没有木板路的海滨城市,就如没有撒糖粒的冰淇淋一样。”

7.Once you lay out the hose around the garden, this wheels rolls over it and sprinkles your precious greens with thirst-quenching water.只要你把水管子放到花园里,这个轮子就会开始翻滚着用消暑解渴的水浇灌您珍爱的绿地。

8.Gilbard, a self-proclaimed "junk food king" years ago, now eats salmon five days a week and sprinkles flaxseed oil on his salads.Gilbard,过去他自称“垃圾食物之王”,现在他每星期有五天进食三文鱼,而且会在沙拉中洒亚麻籽。

9.He walks over to the bed with the bottle in his hand and pulpng back the covers he sprinkles Calvados over the mattress.于是他提着酒瓶走到床前,掀起床罩把烧酒洒在床垫上。

10.The new round curriculum reform just pkes one century spring rain, sprinkles to the general teacher's heart.新一轮的课程改革犹如一场世纪春雨,洒向广大教师的心田。一切都是充溢朝气,一切显得生机勃勃。