


美式发音: [sprɪɡ] 英式发音: [sprɪɡ]




复数:sprigs  过去式:sprigged  同义词




1.(烹饪或装饰用)带叶小枝a small stem with leaves on it from a plant or bush, used in cooking or as a decoration

a sprig of parsley/holly/heather一小枝欧芹╱冬青╱帚石楠



n.1.a stem, or a very small branch cut from a plant

1.小枝 grig 轻松愉快的人 sprig 嫩枝,小枝 trig 整洁的,一丝不苟的 ...

2.无头钉 stellar coal =stellarite 黑沥青 sprig 无头钉;打钉 spring abutment 弹簧支座 ...

3.钉子 扩展波形发生器^ spreading waveform generator 钉子^ sprig 弹簧加速器^ spring accelerator ...

4.带叶的小枝 twig 小枝 sprig 带叶的小枝 dim 暗 ...

5.小树枝 sophistication: 强词夺理,诡辩 sprig: 小树枝 ivy: 常春藤 ...

6.图钉 spot welding 点焊 sprig 图钉 spring 弹簧;【动】弹出 ...

7.使蔓生 ... > Chinese 中的 解释: sprig n. 用小树枝装饰,用钉子钉上,使蔓生 sprIg;spriɡ sprig1 小枝, 嫩枝 ...

8.无头小钉 中途添焦 spreader charge of coke 无头小钉 sprig 弹簧心型撑 spring chaplet ...


1.If it is only a sprout of radish or the sprig of a rose-bush, one would let it grow wherever it might wish.如果是小萝卜或是玫瑰的嫩苗,就让它去自由地生长。

2.Nothing can be more annoying than having that odd sprig of hair sticking up in the front.没有什么比长着一卷奇怪的翘翘卷发更让人心烦的了。

3.A child wrapped in a blanket sits propped up in a large wicker chair , toying with a sprig.一个孩子包裹座垫放在较大的藤椅上,小枝制成的玩具。

4.Putting a wedge of lemon and a sprig of parsley on each plate, as you commanded, oh, great chef.就照你吩咐的,把一片柠檬和一小根荷兰芹放在每个盘子上呀,大厨师。

5.stir with ice ingredients given. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a mint sprig.加冰摇合原料,滤入冰过的鸡尾酒杯。饰以薄荷枝。

6.I found a sprig of grapes on both victims' bodies. . .我在每具尸体上都发现一串葡萄枝…

7.To this query the BBC diplomatically repped, "Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best. "对于这些问题,BBC的外交式答复是,“放一根意大利通心粉到番茄酱的罐头里面,然后就等着看结果吧。”

8.Which reminds me of a Turkish proverb about eptists: "He thinks he is a sprig of parsley in the shit of the world. "这让我想起了一句调侃精英分子的土耳其谚语:“在这屎的世界,他以为他是一枝欧芹呢。”

9.Like U. S. companies that outsource their development to companies overseas, Blue Sprig can work around the clock.犹如把自己开发的项目外包给外国公司的美国公司,BlueSprig可以24小时运转。

10.There arc from the start where the separation of sprig teeth (buds), and then slowly long leaves, pke a thin net slowly open.从有弧度的地方开始分出小枝牙(叶芽),再慢慢的长叶子,像一张细细的网慢慢张开。