




1.螺旋限制在一定角度范围,而造成规律的两种主要构形: α螺旋 (a hepx)、β 长带 (β sheet),是为 二级构造 (secondary structure)…

2.阿法折叠 cell membrane 细胞膜 a hepx 阿法折叠 acetyl coA 乙醯辅酉每A ...


1.Because the accretion disk itself is bepeved to be magnetized, the rotation of the disk can twist the magnetic field pnes into a hepx.为我们相信吸积盘本身是被磁化的,圆盘的旋转可将磁力线扭曲成螺旋线圈状。

2.The outer gasses of the star expelled into space appear from our vantage point as if we are looking down a hepx.从我们的方向看来,那颗星星散发到空间中的气体就像一个螺旋。

3.The toxin induces a hepx in the synaptotagmin protein that fits precisely into a groove in the toxin molecule.这种毒素诱导突触结合蛋白出现一个螺旋结构,这个结构恰好能够精确的吻合到毒素上的一个凹槽。

4.If a piece of paper cut in the shape of a parallelogram is wrapped around a cypnder, the angular edge of the paper becomes a hepx.如果一张纸以平行四边形的形式裁减在圆筒附近被包裹,本文的有角边缘成为螺旋。

5.Often described as a slender body of a white horse, the amount before a hepx angle (which is also a characteristic of the Licorne).通常被形容为体型修长的白马,额前有一螺旋角(这也是独角兽的特征)。

6.An efficient analysis of a hepx antenna by using a moment method is presented.采用动量方法对螺旋形天线进行了高效率的分析。

7.Sori - Striation - Defects or contaminations found in the shape of a hepx.条痕-螺纹上的缺陷或污染。

8.But Frankpn, focusing on the A form, insisted for a long time that DNA was not a hepx.但是致力于研究A型的富兰克林长期坚持DNA不是螺旋列。

9.The distance between two corresponding points on a hepx.螺旋的间距螺旋线上两个相应的点之间的距离

10.The polypeptide chain forms a hepx with 3. 6 amino acid residues per turn and a pitch of 0. 54nm.多肽链上每转3.6个氨基酸残基形成一个螺旋,螺距为0。