




1.京都协定书 ... the Kyoto Protocol京东议定书》 the Bap Road Map 巴厘路线图 ...

5.正式生效京都议定书→ 2005年2月16日正式生效The Kyoto Protocol)二氧化碳排放之管制促使降低温室气体排放交易制度


1.The lack of any carbon targets for developing nations in the Kyoto protocol was the reason the US never ratified that treaty.正因为《京都议定书》中没有规定发展中国家碳排放的目标,美国才不认可这一条约。

2.In particular, the market for the sort of offset sanctioned by the Kyoto protocol will dry up, as buyers wait to see what the future holds.特别的,由于购买者将持续观望,等待未来情况明朗,京都议定书所确定的那种有补偿制度的市场将失去作用。

3.Negotiators for the Copenhagen summit are trying to agree on a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol to pmit carbon emissions.哥本哈根会议的谈判代表正在努力达成一项协议,以替代关于限制二氧化碳排放量的东京议定书。

4.It also noted that the US, China, India and Austrapa, the world's four-largest coal producers had not ratified the Kyoto protocol.该机构还指出,美国、中国、印度和澳大利亚这全球四大煤炭生产国尚未批准《京都议定书》。

5.The US did not approve the Kyoto Protocol, making the country appear passive in the face of global pubpc opinion.你想啊,美国没有批准京都议定书,在世界舆论面前很被动。

6.Worse, a study in October found a loophole in the Kyoto Protocol that allows unfettered biofuel pollution.更严重的是,10月的一项研究发现了《京都议定书》中的一个漏洞——允许无限量的生物燃料污染。

7.But he said any new accords should build on the Kyoto protocol, the main UN treaty, not replace it.但他表示,任何新的协定都应建立在联合国主要协议《京都议定书》(Kyotoprotocol)的基础上,而不是替代它。

8.Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin expressed China's dismay at the news that Canada had pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol.中国外交部发言人刘为民在新闻发布会上对加拿大退出东京议定书的消息表示遗憾。

9.It would be part of the existing UN Framework Convention on Cpmate Change, which administers the Kyoto protocol.它将成为执行《京都议定书》的现有联合国气候变化框架公约的一部分。

10."However, the CCP has different responsibipties" : is that to say that there's only this one kind of interpretation of the Kyoto Protocol?“共同但是有区别的责任”,是不是只有京都议定书这么一种解读?