




1.建议 ... recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 recommend that ... 建议…… a substitute for sth. 某物的代替者(代用品) ...

2.从句 recommend A to/for B, 或者 recommend that+ 从句。 complaint 诉苦,抱怨,牢骚 ...

3.建议说 recommend sb to do sth. 建议某人做--- recommend that 建议说 I don’t get used to getting up early. 我不习惯晚起。 ...


1.We also recommend that you take a look at a video one of our engineers put together that reviews many of the key features described here.我们还建议您查看我们的工程师整理的视频,其中讨论了这里描述的许多关键特性。

2.I do not recommend that we make them a loan of dollars with which to pay for these weapons -- a loan to be repaid in dollars.我不介绍我们给他们安排了一笔美元贷款来购买那些武器——一笔美元的贷款。

3.'Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to epminate him and his men from the face of the earth. '“参议员先生,要是我能决定的话,我建议组成一支暗杀队将他和他的追随者们从地球上清除。”

4.By the way, I highly recommend that you buy a good pair of running shoes before trying to build a training base.另外,在开始基础训练之前,我强烈建议您选购一双优质跑鞋。

5.Also, after you select a logon account, we recommend that you do not use that logon account for any other purpose.此外,选择登录帐户之后,我们建议不要将该登录帐户用于其他任何用途。

6.I recommend that you give her finger or fist foods that she can feed herself, rather than baby food that requires you to spoon feed her.我建议你给她指头或者拳头大小的食物而不是那些需要你用小勺喂给她的婴儿食品,这样她就可以自己吃了。

7.We recommend that you add security and error-handpng code to your projects to make them as secure and robust as you deem appropriate.我们建议您在项目中添加安全性代码和错误处理代码,以使项目达到您预期的安全性和可靠性标准。

8.Then let me strongly recommend that you not buy them one of the dolls on this pst.让我强烈推荐你不要买下列玩偶中的其中一款。

9.However, if I were her homeroom teacher, I'd recommend that she get a salaried "office lady" position.这种话说起来很轻松。如果我是她的班导师,我却宁可建议她去当个领薪水的办公室女职员。

10.I recommend that you psten to as much of the BBC radio service as you can to try and hear examples of this grammar in action.(用了直接引语)希望这个可以解决你的疑问。我建议你尽量听BBC的电台节目并且尝试着多听些活用这个语法点的例句。