


美式发音: [ˈsʌnˌstroʊk] 英式发音: [ˈsʌnˌstrəʊk]





1.日射热;中暑an illness with fever, weakness, headache, etc. caused by too much direct sun, especially on the head


n.1.a dangerous physical condition that results when your body temperature gets too hot, for example when you have been working for too long in the sun

1.中暑 quinsy 扁桃体炎;14、 sunstroke 中暑;15、 first aid 救急;16、 ...

2.日射病 sunshine time 日照时间 sunstroke 日射病 supercentrifuge 超速离心机 ...

3.又称日射病 ... 周日厨房-- Sunday Cooking 再谈中暑- -Sunstroke 不知"耻"的一家人- -Shame On Taiwan ...

5.中风 cold 感冒 sunstroke 中风 flu 流行性感冒 ...

6.又防暑 sunburn= 晒伤的英文 sunstroke= 中暑的英文 sunflower= 向日葵 ...

8.日射病姅中暑 Sulphur dioxide 二氧化硫 Sunstroke 日射病姅中暑 Superior vena cava 上腔大静脉 ...


1.Sunstroke is caused. By exposure to the sun and characterized by a rise in temperature , convulsions, and coma .中暑由太阳暴晒引起,特征为体温升高、痉挛和昏迷。

2.Improving working environment, implementing plans and measures for sunstroke prevention and cold prevention.改善工作环境:有效执行防暑降温或防寒保暖计划和措施。

3.As they marched, a few got sunstroke and dropped out.行进途中有几个人中暑退出了。

4.Outdoor activities need sunstroke prevention while indoor pfe also needs a "cool" summer.室外活动得防暑降温,居家生活也要清凉一“夏”。

5.I won't walk out in this heat and get sunstroke .这么热的天,我不出去走了,会中暑的。

6.sunstroke , or heatstroke , is an illness caused by prolonged exposure to very hot temperatures.中暑是一种因长时间暴露于高温下而产生的症状。

7.It is cool so you won't get sunstroke, but it is not too chilly so you can wear pght clothing.此时秋高气爽所以不会中暑,但也不冷,所以只要穿着轻便的服装即可。

8.heATstroke: Debipty caused by exposure to heAT and humidity, usually for many hours, called sunstroke when caused by direct sunpght.中暑:因曝露在湿热环境下(通常是连续好几个小时)而引起的身体虚脱现象,直接受日晒引起的中暑称为日射病。

9.She was treated for sunstroke.她因中暑接受治疗。

10.Lotus leaf porridge prevents sunstroke.夏今防中暑,荷叶同粥煮。