

accountant:[英 [əˈkaʊntənt] 美 [əˈkaʊntənt] ]



accountant 基本解释


accountant 网络解释

1. 会计:[问题] 有税务代开的做路劳务发票(Invoice)入账的.盼高人指点 [以下内容仅供参考] 如果金...[问题] 我们是小公司 1.职工李四用自己的现金(cash)为公司垫付给b公司账款5000,b公司发票(Invoice)没到 2.收到b公司开来发票(Invoice)5000 , 3.偿还李四现金(cash)5000 会计(accountant)分录怎么做 谢谢.

2. 会计员:出纳员 (Teller) 和会计员 (Accountant) 这两个主角继承了余额监管员 (Balance Supervisor) 的所有特征. 所以,这两个主角都能担任余额监管员的角色.

accountant 双语例句

1. Graduates will work in the following fields: finance manager tax accountant revenue accountant auditor staff accountant and account manager.


2. accountant

2. The accountant is guilty of gross misconduct and he will be prosecuted.




4. As an tax accountant who has worked for eight months in this field, I understand the tax law and policy.



5. When Parisian accountant Alex stumbles upon a routine identity check, he stops to watch.


6. accountant

6. An accountant needs to have very sharp eyes to spot wrong numbers.


7. In 2006 regarding our country entire accountant the profession, is one very important year, our country finance not only has carried on the revision consummation to an original basic maxim and 16 concrete criteria, but also disposable increased 22 item of accounting standards.


8. For example, an accountant is allowed to be an advocate of a client with respect to tax matters. Rule 102 is very broad and could be described as an element of flexibility in the Code.


9. The position of an accountant-general shall be assumed by a person with the technical title of accountant or above.


10. accountant

10. For a unit having an accountant-general, the accountant-general shall also sign and seal the financial and accounting reports.


11. The position of an accountant-general shall be assumed by a person with the professional and technical title of accountant or above.


12. accountant的近义词

12. A Large or medium-sized enterprise owned by the State or in which the State-owned assets occupy a holding or leading position must have an accountant-general.


13. The intelligence capital and so on the intangible asset infunction rapid expansion today, its accountant confirmed, themeasurement actually with difficulty was solved, at the same timewhich network accountant arose at the historic moment has also broughtthe brand-new risk, in order to follow the time the step, accountantalso followed on somebody's heels during development a series ofquestions.


14. accountant的反义词

14. Third, finding the disadvantages of network finance deply from the appliance of the network finance in accountant affairs and the material analysis to these questions.


15. But the lack of the above-listed antecedents to double entry bookkeeping made the job of an ancient accountant extraordinarily difficult.


16. accountant在线翻译

16. My neighbor, whose name was Cui Erniu, more than ten years older than me, was knowledgeable and was once the accountant in the production brigade. For child`s puerility, I always went to his home to play, for he had a younger male cousin, whose age was the same as mine, on the paternal side.


17. Because of the above reason, in this page article, have analyses production and development in China of the income tax accountant at first, then to the question that the accountant of income tax of our country exists, have proposed some suggestions, have carried on the preliminary discussion in structuring a set of income tax accounting system which is suitable for the China's actual conditions further.


18. The thesis describing the currently communication corporation mostly management operation and combine the communication corporation's accountant system and revene management flow, expatiate on the currently revenue assurance come into being and development instance, base on of this to analysis the revenue assurance system's feasibility, carry through system plan and confirm the integrity resolve scheme, insure to provide some reference value to the construction and development of revenue assurance system.


19. accountant

19. The board of directors of a listed company shall issue opinions expressly on the self-examination report of the purchasers, and engage a certified accountant firm, which has the qualifications of practicing securities business, or financial counselors to make special examination on the business status of the listed company during the transition period, and issue opinions on the comparison of the outstanding achievements of the company before and after the transfer of actual controlling right, whether the purchasers have failed to pay off the debts owed to the company, or failed to rescind the guaranty provided by the company or other circumstances of impairing the interests of the company; in case of any of the above-mentioned circumstances, the board of directors of the listed company shall take effective measures to protect the interests of the listed company.



20. So on the one hand, we must strong then the instruction of law system as well as interior and exterior supervision system of the enterprise; on the other hand, we must reinforce the responsibility of the persons in charge of accounting supervison and cultivate accountant with high quality.


accountant 词典解释

1. 会计员;会计师

An accountant is a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.

accountant 单语例句

1. Earnings from Chinese New Year performances hongbao must be audited by a certified accountant.

2. A certified public accountant has finished auditing the group's accounts to determine the quality of assets.

3. He's now studying commerce, hoping to become a chartered accountant.

4. The author is a HK member of the CPPCC and a chartered accountant.

5. The author is a Hong Kong member of the CPPCC and a chartered accountant.

6. Xiong works full time as an accountant in Jiangsu's provincial capital Nanjing in addition to taking care of her family.

7. " They know the tactics to stay afloat, " said the accountant.

8. But now, the senior accountant can do it all in her office.

9. Also, an accountant working for a Kurdish television station was killed in northern Iraq.

10. It is unfair to put public accountant examination candidates under such pressure.

accountant的意思accountant 英英释义



1. someone who maintains and audits business accounts

Synonym: comptrollercontroller