

bookish:[英 [ˈbʊkɪʃ] 美 [ˈbʊkɪʃ] ]


bookish 基本解释

形容词书呆子; 书本上的,好学的

bookish 网络解释

1. 書面的:此外,在不同时期,liberal一词还有礼貌的/文雅的(polite,genteel)、儿童的、书面的(bookish)、解放的(liberating)等含义. Liberal arts/liberal education复杂性不仅表现在对liberal一词的理解上,同时还表现在Liberal arts所涵盖的范围上.

2. bookish的翻译

2. 好读书的,迂腐的:-ish带有......性质的 | bookish 好读书的,迂腐的 | childish 幼稚的

3. 书生气:book knowledge 书本知识 | bookish 书生气 | Booklet Category Test 手册式范畴测验

bookish 双语例句


1. At the bookish assembly hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying on October 16, Miss Yu Hui-fen presented the first report on the Tips for Taking Notes Successfully written by Kimihiro Yoneyama, a doctorate in neurology. In the book, Yoneyama introduced the correlations among writing, taking notes and the brain, and pointed out that we could train our brain and promote brain activity by recording ideas with notes.


2. bookish的翻译

2. At the first session of bookish assembly hosted by Mr. Wu Kuei-jen on October 23, Ms. Sun Chu-chun reported on the book Portrait of Dr. Gachet: The Story of a Van Gogh Masterpiece, Money, Politics, Collectors, Dealers, Taste, Greed, and Loss, written by Cynthia Saltzman. Besides introducing Vincent van Gogh's life, the book focused on his famous painting 「Portrait of Doctor Gachet.」 It traced the painting's transfer process through fourteen collectors and dealers.

10月23日读书会在吴贵仁先生的主持下,第一场由孙菊君小姐《梵谷流浪一百年》,作者为Cynthia Saltzman,本书除介绍梵谷生平,特以其名作「嘉舍医生的画像」为主轴,详细描写此作品经历十四个收藏家及交易商的转移过程,亦反映了当时社会的经济、政治面向。

3. bookish的近义词

3. As a boy Mr Mugabe was shy, sensitive and bookish, apparently without friends.


4. Liberia's Professor Amos Sawyer alternate to bookish life, and aloft Admiral Albert Zafy of Madagascar is already afresh a doctor.



5. When we left home in the 1950s, we were so full of emotions and pedantic/bookish ideas, and we were worried that once we left home we could never come back the same again; I doubt that this kind of situation is not applicable to the children born out of the broken families after WWII.


6. He suggests that learners of English as a second language often sound bookish and pedantic because they do not know how to use vague expressions.


7. Chinese culture endowed itself with abundant bookish and romantic wisdom and moral teaching, yet when it comes to practice it has always been a dwarf of meagerness.


8. bookish

8. At the first session of bookish assembly hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying on Aug 5, Miss Chou Ming-hua presented on the Powerful magic:Learning from children's responses to fantasy literature, written by renowned US expert on children's literature and reading/writing proficiency Nina Mikkelsen, she attempted to understand how children interpreted words by studying through their reactions when reading children's books, and explored how they developed the ability to read and write through reading.

8月5日的读书会在黄晋英秘书长主持下,第一场由周旻桦小姐报告《童书中的神奇魔力─跟著奇幻故事,一起进入孩子国的奇幻冒险之旅》,为美国知名儿童文学、读写能力研究专家Nina Mikkelsen所著,透过孩子阅读童书的反应,以了解孩子如何诠释文字,并探索他们如何藉由阅读萌发读写能力。

9. Like begets like, and they are both rather silent bookish people.


10. bookish的反义词

10. He writes in a bookish style.


11. bookish

11. Detective Wagenbach gets hazed for his superior bookish manner.


12. And then if you`re more bookish and you like words, you might notice the references I make, to Captain Picard or Freddie Mercury or Winona Ryder.

如果你是比较爱读书然后更喜欢文字游戏的话,你可能会注意到我引用的部分,比如Captain Picard,Freddie Mercury 或者 Winona Ryder。


13. Forsooth, a great arithmetician, One Michael Cassio, a Florentine, A fellow almost damn'd in a fair wife; That never set a squadron in the field, Nor the division of a battle knows More than a spinster; unless the bookish theoric, Wherein the toged consuls can propose As masterly as he: mere prattle, without practise, Is all his soldiership.


14. Will Wright, the author of SimCity and coauthor of SimEarth, is thirtyish, bookish, and certainly one of the most innovative programmers working today.


15. Reflections on Specific Goods - I kind of like this shirt -- not really age appropriate for me, but for someone else From Bookish Gifts, several of which are nice.


16. It challenges the bookish way philosophy is conceived by most people.


17. bookish的意思

17. As a rule, everyday words are better than bookish ones.


18. The bookish historian now accepts it, reluctantly and ungraciously enough


19. Of, relating to, or held to be characteristic of a university don; bookish or pedantic.


20. Remember: study hard but not be bookish; work hard but not be work mania; play hard but not be a faineant!


bookish 词典解释

1. 书生气的;书呆子气的

Someone who is bookish spends a lot of time reading serious books.


bookish 单语例句

1. Chinese tend to think of women postgraduate students as stiff, bookish and boring.

bookishbookish 英英释义


1. characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading

e.g. a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket

a quiet studious child

Synonym: studious