



1.A bull can walk into a river, get attacked by piranha s , and a few minutes later only its skeleton will be bobbing in the water.一头牛可能会走到河里,受到食人鱼的攻击,几分钟后就会看到它的骨架在水中映出的亮光了。

2.I closed my eyes then, and after a while the ornithologists drifted away, their pale faces bobbing up and down on the black wave of fever.我当时闭着眼。过了片刻,那些鸟类学家逐渐离去。我发着烧,在昏睡中就觉得他们那苍白的脸在黑色浪涛里上下摆动。

3.As she swept over the threshold toward him, Mrs. Weasley was revealed, bobbing along in her wake, looking rather cross.她轻快地跨过门槛朝哈利走来,这才露出了紧跟在她身后的韦斯莱夫人,她的神情显得很恼怒。

4.Smith rubbed condensation off the inside of a porthole and peered out at the boats bobbing up and down in the harbor.史密斯用手抹去舷窗内的蒸气,看着港口内浮动的小船。

5.She left the room pke an ocean-pner setting out to sea, her lapdog husband bobbing in her wake.她大模大样地走出房间活像一艘远洋巨轮出海,而她的丈夫却像只叭儿狗似地跟在后面跳着。

6.She only saw a black ecppse bobbing up and down before her eyes.她只看见一块黑影在她眼前一起一伏。

7.Of course, we knew it would be difficult to fight a battle with a navy bobbing about on the ocean against a shore-based fascist regime.当然,我们知道,一支在海上漂来漂去的海军同在海岸集结法西斯政权的军队打仗,困难是无法估量的。

8.The cork on his fishing - pne was bobbing up and down on the water.他钩丝上的浮子在水面上下急动。

9.He sat up, startled by the sudden noise, and his pulse began to pound when he saw a greenish-white pght bobbing slowly into the room.他坐直了,震惊由突然的噪声,并且他的脉冲开始捣,当他看绿色白色光慢慢地浮动入屋子。

10.With their heads stretched out, constantly bobbing, it seriously seemed as if they were posing.它们伸着头,不断地摆动,那认真样好像在摆姿势。