

entirety:[英 [ɪnˈtaɪərəti] 美 [ɛnˈtaɪrɪti, -ˈtaɪrti] ]



entirety 基本解释


名词完全; 整体,全面; 作为一个整体


entirety 相关词组

1. in its entirety : 全面, 完整, 全体, 全部;

entirety 相关例句


1. He spent the entirety of his life composing music.


2. He devoted the entirety of his life to medical research .


entirety 网络解释

1. entirety

1. 整体:我们认定圣经整体(entirety)是无谬误的,绝无虚假和虚诈. 我们认定圣经的合一性(unity)和内在一贯性(internal consistency). 我们否认,圣经无谬误的教义是更正教拘泥形式的人士(Scholartic Protestanism)发明的.


2. 全部:entireness 全体 | entirety 全部 | entironment 环境

3. (夫妻)共有制,共同占有:tenant 不动产占有人,占用者 | entirety (夫妻)共有制,共同占有 | decease 已死的

4. 完整合同:-19Severability 可分割性 | -20Entirety 完整合同 | -21Captions not Controlling 小标题不具有约束力

entirety 双语例句

1. If I forget thee, Jerusalem, golden in your entirety.


2. The development of the Network game industry starts from the development of IT industry, playing an effect of moving and pushing on it in our country. But it`s not optimistic to the Overall Economy that cause unemployment aggravating, and a large amount of human capital and money-capital runs off to the entirety!


3. entirety在线翻译

3. It comprises 720 pixels for luminance and 180 pixels each for U and V and is stored in its entirety.


4. With `You and Me` as a unity, all things in the universe are testimony to our love, but no words come close enough to capture the mesmeric attraction between us in its entirety.


5. If you wish to see the entirety of the information in your subscription record, please contact us and we will arrange a copy.



6. This offsets of dynamic water chief axis may be the dominant factor that the radiation sandbar entirety moves to south.



7. When I read the article in its entirety that part stuck out for an unusual reason.


8. This kind geometric phase has revealed the entirety and the topological property ofthe Quantum mechanics.


9. 5 Upon notice of the Prescribed Price, the Breaching Party shall transfer the entirety of the Breaching Party`s Participating Interest in accordance with Clause 18.1 above, against payment of the Prescribed Price.


10. In the third part of the thesis, the author make a summary of the basic contents of the spirit of Chinese nation, which are self-strong, morality, entirety and patriotism.


11. What an enormous inane is it isolating the hullaballo and he boom stretching, extending before your eyes dropping your entirety into such a solitude of crystal purity Such crystal purity the pebbles, foams, beach and surging wave tide following tide, memory chasing memory far and near persisted, new and old allied distance between time and space and you erect form eternal and your erect form being eternal the cloud vague, wind subsided tidal roar stopped short, dusk fallen quick stranded on the beach, you are that capsized empty canoe waiting for the next submersion


12. But your why assurance, entirety and part to look at therefore doctrine related to by politics is for a short time neither important, objective analysis and one's own personal efforts memory etc., this series all need to go meticulously just now.


13. entirety的意思

13. This article engaged in textual research History of the Yuan Dynasty·the Various Princes Table in its entirety, On the premise of that, author would selected some important princes to research.


14. entirety是什么意思

14. They almost unanimously hold that the narrative of the patriarch's life is composed practically in its entirety of three writings or writers called respectively the Jahvist, the Elohist, and the priestly writer, and denoted by the letters J, E, and P.

他们几乎一致认为,叙事的老人家的生活组成,几乎将其全部三种著作或所谓的作家分别jahvist ,elohist ,和司铎的作家,和记字母J以来,E和第j和E其中收藏的故事涉及到元老,有些年纪大了,有的后来,原居地。

15. entirety的反义词

15. Our equity-investing strategy remains little changed from what it was fifteen years ago, when we said in the 1977 annual report: We select our marketable equity securities in much the way we would evaluate a business for acquisition in its entirety.


16. Seats are taken out and the plane is sanitized in its entirety.


17. entirety什么意思

17. If you take it as you go along, you get it in its entirety.


18. entirety什么意思

18. If a bodhisattva takes his stand on perseverance, is gentle and compliant, never violent, and never alarmed in mind; and if with regard to phenomena he takes no action but observes the true entirety of phenomena without acting or making any distinction, then this one might call the practices of a bodhisattva.


19. entirety的解释

19. Fill out and sign the below FLE Funds Redemption Form in its entirety.


20. entirety什么意思

20. We select our marketable equity securities in much the same way we would evaluate a business for acquisition in its entirety. We want the business to be (1) one that we can understand, (2) with favorable long-term prospects, (3) operated by honest and competent people, and (4) available at a very attractive price. We ordinarily make no attempt to buy equities for anticipated favorable stock price behavior in the short term. In fact, if their business experience continues to satisfy us, we welcome lower market prices of stocks we own as an opportunity to acquire even more of a good thing at a better price.


entirety 词典解释

1. 整个地;全面地

If something is used or affected in its entirety, the whole of it is used or affected.

e.g. The peace plan has not been accepted in its entirety by all parties.


e.g. ...a number of cities were now to be bombed in their entirety.


entirety 单语例句

1. It will be the first time the first four Beatles albums will be available in stereo in their entirety on compact disc.

2. He could not confirm whether such documents in their entirety had been posted on the Internet.

3. Undergraduates have been caught copying other people's theses verbatim, in their entirety and college students plagiarized their coursework reports.

4. India and Pakistan have fought two of their three wars over Kashmir, a Himalayan territory split divided between the two but which both claim in its entirety.

5. But Wang indicated that it is likely that the draft bill will not be passed in its entirety.

6. Currently only Shanghai Port Group is listed in its entirety in Shanghai.

7. Over the past 40 years Chang amassed an unrivalled personal collection, which was published and exhibited in its entirety at Christie's London in 1993.

8. India and Pakistan have fought two of their three wars over the Himalayan region, which is divided between them and claimed by both in its entirety.

9. Fox aired the interview in its entirety during Bret Baier's newscast, then Baier moderated a panel with three Fox contributors discussing it.

10. Rather was to report on the comments on the Monday evening newscast, and CBS planned to broadcast the interview in its entirety on Wednesday.

entirety 英英释义


1. the state of being total and complete

e.g. he read the article in its entirety

appalled by the totality of the destruction

Synonym: entirenessintegralitytotality