

exist:[英 [ɪgˈzɪst] 美 [ɪɡˈzɪst] ]


过去式:existed;   过去分词:existed;   现在分词:existing;

exist 基本解释

不及物动词存在; 生存; 生活; 继续存在


exist 相关例句


1. exist

1. She existed only on milk.


2. That word doesn't exist in English.


3. The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.


4. exist什么意思

4. So poor they can hardly exist.


exist 网络解释

1. 生存:从人的生存角度,绝对的悖谬给人理智提出的问题, 在克里马库斯的生存论语境看来,仍然是这一类的问题:永恒如何能够进入生存(exist)?前面我们已经看到,沿伦理-宗教A的途径,生存个体的这种实现基本上是失败的.

exist 双语例句

1. exist

1. However, 电动蝶阀, this butterfly valve in the use of the process still exist the following questions


2. It is hard now for Jews to talk about anti-Semitism even when it does exist.



3. Research shows that the strategy of organizing sial workers have the mandate and role of the level of clarity did not significantly positive impact of the initiative staff on the social behavior of the task they have, the role of clear and social integration of the three factors to have a significant impact on the level; staff - organization fit right into the enterprise private enterprise employees to work after the contents of the factors there was no significant impact on the community and its organization to work on the strategy of content does not exist in the process of regulation.


4. On the practice of supply chain management, we always studied the carriers`performance when the shippers choose carriers to carry for him. This kind of research belong to afterwards assess, it is short of goad and initiative. Many cases about lose can be find everywhere because of choosing improper carriers, the main reason is that there exist asymmetric information between the shipper and the carrier.


5. exist的解释

5. To date, few large clinical series with en bloc resection of these tumors exist.


6. Before you retry the command, ensure that the following dcs entries exist in /etc/inetd. conf on the domain, and that they have not been disabled

重试该命令之前,应确保域内的/etc/inetd.conf 文件中包含以下 dcs 条目,且尚未禁用

7. At present, the majority of the general Party branches operate effectively, but there exist some weak points.


8. exist什么意思

8. Though vacuum boosters designed and produced by china exist for more than twenty years, it is still dissatisfactory for us of the quality and the assembly efficiency of those products.


9. CO2 and H2S exist in the hydrocarbon zone and foramtion water, as the accompany gases of petroleum and nature gaso or components of formation water, which will cause corrostion to the cement sheath under certain conditions of humidity and pressure. It will decrease the cement sheath`s alkalinity, which results in the decrease of cement sheath`s strength, permeability increase, and places a premium on fluid channeling and borehole wall sloughs accident in plastic formation, shortening the oil- gas well`s production lifetime and giving rise to tremendous ecomonic losses.


10. However it was never a serious idea. The technology to make such a tunnel did not exist.


11. A series of bis (2-ethylhexyl polyoxyethylene) sulfosuccinates and bis (2-ethylhexyl polyoxypropylene) sulfosuccinates based on isooctanol were synthesized through alkoxylation, esterification and sulfonation. Their molecular structures are similar to AOT bis (2-ethylhexyl sulfosuccinate, which was mostly used in the field of reversed micelles, except there exist a polyoxyalkylene chain between the polar head and hydrophobic tail.


12. exist什么意思

12. Society is made up of all kinds of people who have a great variety of views and activities, but must co-exist.


13. It was close to many way portals, the highways that exist for energies to travel throughout space.


14. While tannins exist in grapes, what we are actually interested in is the tannins that are found in wine.


15. exist的反义词

15. The positions of tribune of the plebs and aedile continued to exist, but they had little power or purpose.


16. When the cycle is short, annular effects exist in the velocity profiles.


17. exist的翻译

17. The fantasy world do exist, just between you and me.


18. exist

18. In the south of China, Indo-Chinese tigers are believed to exist in border areas with Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, while in south-eastern Tibet, on the border with India, a small population of Bengal tigers exists.


19. On which water can exist in liquid form of the surface.


20. exist的反义词

20. Does a Product Realization Plan exist and is it orientated to ensure all ensure all relevant requirements are considered, developed, and implemented?


exist 词典解释

1. 存在;实际上有

If something exists, it is present in the world as a real thing.

e.g. He thought that if he couldn't see something, it didn't exist...


e.g. Research opportunities exist in a wide range of pure and applied areas of entomology...


2. (尤指在逆境中)生存,生活

To exist means to live, especially under difficult conditions or with very little food or money.

e.g. I exist from one visit to the next...


e.g. I was barely existing.


exist 单语例句

1. Obstacles for the development of the business relations between enterprises and consultation companies also exist.

2. She didn't realize she had been duped until she dialled the telephone numbers left by the three and found the numbers did not exist.

3. " I don't think that democracy can exist under occupation, " said Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat.

4. But these activities do exist in reality and they may have a bearing on the calculation of the revenues of some related legal economic activities.

5. But Ma said a law for compensation cases that are divided into two categories of criminal and administrative still did not exist.

6. At the end of the Games, each team will take their petal home and the cauldron will cease to exist.

7. The system of central governmental finance needs to be improved but that doesn't mean that the Beijing liaison offices should continue to exist.

8. Only when no room exists for anyone to make dirty money by cheating consumers will consumer trust conducive to ever - greater growth truly exist.

9. Tong said illegal use of child labor " does exist " in the country - a fact that cannot be denied.

10. Compared with some European countries that have a very long history with red wine, there does exist some limitation in the Chinese red wine market.

exist 英英释义


1. have an existence, be extant

e.g. Is there a God?

Synonym: be

2. support oneself

e.g. he could barely exist on such a low wage

Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?

Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day

Synonym: survivelivesubsist