

decrease:[英 [dɪˈkri:s] 美 [dɪˈkris] ]


过去式:decreased;   过去分词:decreased;   现在分词:decreasing;   复数形式:decreases;

decrease 基本解释


名词减少,减小; 减少量


decrease 同义词



decrease 反义词



decrease 相关词组

1. on the decrease : 在减少中;


decrease 相关例句


1. They are making every effort to decrease the production cost.


2. These measures will help decrease the cost of production.



1. Car sales are decreasing.


2. The number of children in the school has decreased this year.



1. The decrease in unemployment was 30 percent.


2. There was a decrease in the number of children in school.


decrease 网络解释


1. 减少:如资料是一直转变的,您应用适当的文字和句子描述. 资料转变可以是增加(Increase),减少(Decrease),波动(Fluctuate)或稳定(RemainStable). 一般有两种文法可以表达:

2. decrease

2. 递减:书写简练的另一个例子是递增(increase)运算符 (++)和递减(decrease) 运算符(--). 它们使得变量中存储的值加1或减1. 它们分别等同于+=1和-=1. 因此:逻辑运算符&&和||是用来计算两个表达式而获得一个结果值.

3. 減:书写简练的另一个例子是递增(increase)运算符 (++)和递减(decrease) 运算符(–). 它们使得变量中存储的值加1或减1. 它们分别等同于+=1和-=1. 因此:逻辑运算符&&和||是用来计算两个表达式而获得一个结果值.

4. decrease:dcr; 减少

decrease 双语例句


1. Results showed that the increase of water contain will cause swelling of membrane materials and resulted in a decrease of pore size.


2. decrease的翻译

2. The installation can improve device operation efficiency, clear power energy, protect machines and decrease faults and costs.


3. Having too much protective food but neglecting energy giving food or body building food will cause a decrease in energy level or underweight.

摄入多的protective food 而忽略energy-giving 或 body-building 类食物的摄入会使我们过瘦或缺少能量。


4. The addition of SiO2 can suppress the grain growth of TiO2 crystal, increase the hydroxyl content of TiO2 film, decrease the contact angle for water of TiO2 films and enhance the hydrophilic property of TiO2 films.

在 TiO2薄膜中添加 SiO2,可以抑制薄膜中 TiO2晶粒的长大,同时薄膜表面的羟基含量增加,水在复合薄膜表面的润湿角下降,亲水能力增强。

5. decrease

5. The Laser Designator will function as before, revealing an enemy's position, and will also decrease that enemy's armor.


6. decrease

6. ObjectiveTo explore how to decrease blood rejection and blood waste after offering with qualified blood.


7. The pressure of the ammonia tail gas is utilized to refrigerate through expansion, the low-pressure, low-temperature gas after expansion is returned to the high-efficiency heat exchanger, the cooled ammonia tail gas flows forward into the system, and with the decrease in the tail gas temperature, the ammonia contained changes to liquid and is separated from other constituents.



8. Lutathione-S-Transferases is a common family of metabolism enzymes. GSTs have the function of detoxification for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and mixed cyclic chemical carcinogen or cocarcinogen of organochloride and from the fried, smoked or baked food. It was reported that the GSTM1 null and GSTT1 null genotypes could decrease the activity of the corresponding enzyme.

STs是目前研究得较多的一个代谢酶系,GSTs在体内对有机氯、炸烤熏制食物等含有的多环芳烃、杂环类化学致癌/促癌剂具有解毒功能,有报道GST Mu酶和GST Theta(GSTT1)基因缺失会导致相应酶活性的降低。

9. Create Jinfeng 62 (1.2MW) temperature model of mathematics and physics about permanent magnent synchronous generator in wind power, present basic hypothesis and boundary condition. select area that one slot opposite to calculate, utilize FEM calculate roter and stator temperature field. bring forward actual method, carefully analyse the result to generator temperature field, for example reduce coil insulation thickness, decrease conduction coefficient because insulation aging between circle, increase iron-core anisotropism conduction coefficient.


10. The safety is guaranteed by safety valve that can decrease the pressure when it is too high.


11. Taking into account the needs of developers to improve the operating result in the other factors, of which 10 percent share of possession, there are more than 39 percent decrease.


12. decrease

12. CO2 and H2S exist in the hydrocarbon zone and foramtion water, as the accompany gases of petroleum and nature gaso or components of formation water, which will cause corrostion to the cement sheath under certain conditions of humidity and pressure. It will decrease the cement sheath`s alkalinity, which results in the decrease of cement sheath`s strength, permeability increase, and places a premium on fluid channeling and borehole wall sloughs accident in plastic formation, shortening the oil- gas well`s production lifetime and giving rise to tremendous ecomonic losses.


13. decrease

13. The compositions of fruit types and their differentiation patterns with elevation of 1943 wild angiosperms in Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve in Gansu Province were explored. The results show that the proportion of dry fruits is 65.67% and 24.60% in fleshy fruits in the area. The most three are capsule (26.56%), achene (12.35%) and drupe (12.20%) among 22 basic fruit types. Fruit types and their species numbers increase and then decrease with elevation. The proportion of dry fruits increases and it vanishes at 3800 m or so in fleshy fruit with elevation. The proportion of capsule is dominant in each elevation segment and increases with elevation. It decreases and then increases in achene and caryopsis. It decreases in drupe and berry. It decreases and then increases in pome and samara.

分析甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区1943种野生被子植物果实类型组成及其沿海拔梯度的变化规律,结果表明:本区干果和肉果分别占65.67%和24.60%,在22种基本果实类型中,居前3位的分别为蒴果(26.56%)、瘦果(12.35%)和核果(12.20%);果实类型及其种数随海拔升高呈先增加后减少的趋势;随着海拔升高,干果比例上升,肉果比例下降并消失于3800 m左右,其中蒴果比例在各海拔段均占据显著优势并呈上升趋势,瘦果和颖果比例先下降后上升,核果和浆果比例下降,梨果和翅果比例先上升后下降。

14. The sexual passion is showed very clearly and the theme is against the tradition, the seriousness and the retina of art in Duchamp's works, which can decrease the distancebetween the artists and the audience of the present time, and the tension between the theme ofsexual passion and the visual image in his works can arouse the audience at the most toexplore the meaning world of the art work.


15. Because of the high calcinations temperature, deteriorated the problem of agglomeration of the ultra-fine powder in the process of making Alumina calcined from Aluminum Hydroxide. To deal with this problem, the addition of seed to the process to decrease the phrase-transformation temperature, thus α-Al2O3 is prepared at lower temperature.


16. The crystallite size and forbidden band extent of the FeS2 films slightly decrease with the increasing sulfurizing pressure.


17. Qiu Shida: Do the person of SEO actually, do not get on look have sth in mind in the increase and decrease of discharge.


18. The paper shows the acceleration breeding on the bud scale of Lily in lab, can decrease production cost in payment per mu and make economic profit obviously.


19. Taiwan`s stock market history and compare the performance of world stock market movements in history often demonstrated a remarkable consistency, the A-share market on the stock market the last century, China Taiwan late 80s, early 90s the trend is very similar to (Taiwan weighted index in 8 months a decrease of 80%, A shares in 13 months dropped by 73%), Taiwan`s stock market trend studies, the A shares market to determine a certain referential significance: Technically speaking, the Taiwan stock market peaked at 12, 459, the out of the typical ABC dropped the three waves, which bounce B waves of up to eight months, a rebound height of the 38.4 percent decline.


20. It is said that the functi on of No.1 gene is correlative with memor y. After the No.2 antisense was injected, BALB/c strain experimental group sho wed obvious decrease in numbers of step-across and standing-up in open field behavi or test compared with control groups.


decrease 词典解释The verb is pronounced /dɪ'kriːs/. The noun is pronounced /'diːkriːs/. 动词读作 /dɪ'kriːs/。名词读作 /'diːkriːs/。

1. (使)减少;(使)减小;(使)降低

When something decreases or when you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.


e.g. Population growth is decreasing by 1.4% each year...

人口增长率正在以每年 1.4% 的速度下降。

e.g. The number of independent firms decreased from 198 to 96...

独立公司的数量从 198 个减少到了 96个。

2. 减少;减小;降低

A decrease in the quantity, size, or intensity of something is a reduction in it.

e.g. ...a decrease in the number of young people out of work...


e.g. Bank base rates have fallen from 10 per cent to 6 per cent — a decrease of 40 per cent.

银行的基本利率已从 10% 降到了 6%,降幅高达 40%。

decrease 单语例句

1. The decrease in the loan business would reduce the future expansion capacity of the banks, Zhu says.

2. But the hotel saw a 70 percent decrease in revenue from this business this year.

3. It would raise inflation in the US and reduce Americans'buying power, and decrease the value of China's holdings as well as its export capability.

4. The decrease has prompted the Chinese government to consider buying up large quantities of pork to stabilize the price.

5. It also plans to decrease unit GDP carbon intensity and increase productivity by increasing the share of clean energy in its energy mix.

6. The decrease in other types of crime in the first six months is an encouraging sign that the security department has done a good job.

7. The sharp decrease of yuan funds further suggested that foreign capital outflows were gaining traction, because China registered growth in both FDI and its trade surplus.

8. A sharp decline in overseas capital inflow is likely to cause a decrease in domestic liquidity.

9. Fluctuations in the capital market were the major cause of the decrease, the company said in a statement filed with the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

10. There are already signs that business activity is picking up, thanks to loose credit and the decrease of industrial inventory.

decrease的近义词decrease 英英释义


1. the act of decreasing or reducing something

Synonym: diminutionreductionstep-down

2. the amount by which something decreases

Synonym: decrement

3. a change downward

e.g. there was a decrease in his temperature as the fever subsided

there was a sharp drop-off in sales

Synonym: lesseningdrop-off

4. a process of becoming smaller or shorter

Synonym: decrement



1. decrease in size, extent, or range

e.g. The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester

The cabin pressure fell dramatically

her weight fell to under a hundred pounds

his voice fell to a whisper

Synonym: diminishlessenfall

2. make smaller

e.g. He decreased his staff

Synonym: lessenminify