


美式发音: [ˈɡɑdˌsʌn] 英式发音: [ˈɡɒdˌsʌn]






1.教子;代子a male godchild


n.1.a male godchild

1.教子 教职员工〖 staff〗 教子〖 godchild;godson〗 教宗〖 pope;thepontiff〗 ...

2.龙芯 NDP 国内生产净值 Godson~ 狗剩~ 7级 2009-09-01 NNP 国民生产净值 ...

6.高驰 Scarab 圣甲虫 Godson 圣子 Todd Begg 托德贝格 ...


1.For a moment he reflected on how much he loved this godson.一会儿,他仔细想他多么爱这个教子。

2.Alexander, who has moved back to Serbia from his exile in London, is a godson of the Queen, whom he calls Lizzie in private.亚历山大曾流亡在伦敦,现已回到塞尔维亚,伊丽莎白女王是他的教母,私下里他称呼他Lizzie。

3.I miss my niece, Erin. And my godson, Bryan, the only survivor -- I love him and think of him every day.我想念我的侄女Erin,和我唯一活下来了的教子Bryan,我非常爱他,并且每天都在想念他。

4.Because it is the child name very soil, is not called iron eggs, is called up, don't pke what 's godson.因为那是山里孩子名字都很土,不是叫铁蛋,就是叫拴住,再不就叫狗剩之类什么的。

5.The research improvements have been appped on the Godson Processor-based Real-time PGC Digital Demodulation System.本文的工作在基于龙芯处理器的实时PGC数字解调系统中得到应用。

6.Importantly, Godson-3 is scalable, meaning that more cores can be added to future generations without significant redesign.但重要的是,Godson-3是可升级的,也就是说不需要大量的重新设计,就可以增加核的数量。

7.Gardner wanted to get a baptism gift that marked the year his godson was born.盖德纳先生想要送他的教子一份代表他出生年份的受洗礼物。

8.That's what this procedure will tell us. You don't worry about anything buy growing my godson in there.等我做完就可以知道了。你不必担心,只要把你肚子里的孩子养大。

9.The Don shrugged. "I worried about you, you're my godson, that's all. "老爷子耸了耸肩,“我为你担心,你是我的教子,仅此而已。”

10.Don Corleone stood before his godson and asked grimly, "Why doesn't this man pke you? "科里昂站在他的教子面前,冷酷地问,“他为什么这么恨你?”