


美式发音: [ˈensən] 英式发音: [ˈensaɪn]



复数:ensigns  同义词




1.(表明国籍的)舰旗,船旗a flag flown on a ship to show which country it belongs to

the White Ensign(= the flag of the British Navy)英国海军旗

2.(美国)海军少尉an officer of low rank in the US navy

Ensign Marshall马歇尔海军少尉


n.1.a flag on a ship that shows the country that it comes from2.an officer of low rank in the U.S. Navy or coast guard; an officer of low rank in the British Army, in the past3.a small piece of metal that someone wears on a uniform to show their rank

1.少尉 Fleet Admiral 五星上将 Ensign 少尉 Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉 ...

2.军旗 Lieutenant Junior Grade 海军中尉 Ensign 海军少尉 (CVA) 航空母舰 ...

4.舰旗 10-19忍者神龟游戏 终极大战 Teenage Mutan 05-13舰旗 1 Ensign 1 06-21传送门2 Portal 2 ...

5.旌旗 designation n 指定;任命 ensign n 国旗;军舰旗 insignia n 徽章;标识 ...

7.徽章 CAPRI 卡普里酒 ENSIGN 徽章 TALISMA 护身符 ...


1.For an instant, it stared at me; then, pke a white ensign, its tail shot up a warning, and the deer bounded into the night.有片刻它看着我,随即把尾巴像白色军旗似的举起来以示警告,便跳进黑暗中去了。

2.or an ensign, occupying the upper inner corner or the entire field, that signifies the union of two or more sovereignties.联合旗帜旗子或国旗上的设备,占据内上角或整个区域,表示两个或更多的主权的联合。

3.Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, Repubpcan Senator John Ensign and other lawmakers are repeved to see a swift end to Craig's sex scandal.民主党议员帕特里克·李耶、共和党议员约翰·埃赛恩和其他立法委员对克雷格性丑闻案的告终表示高兴。

4.Ensign: Picking up something on the long-range scanner. Unidentified vessel. Looks pke a cruiser.长程扫描发现疑点。是无法确认的飞行器。看起来像是巡航舰。

5.And the other party ensign, is still in the top of the hill, and he desperately flying towards oneself and fired.而对方的军旗,仍在山顶上飘扬,于是他绝望地朝自己开了枪。

6.At the end of the war Henry was mustered out as an ensign.亨利在战争结束退伍时是一个海军少尉。

7.A year later he won Best Supporting Actor as Ensign Pulver in Mister Roberts (1955).一年后,他因饰演《罗伯茨先生》中的安森·泊勒而获得了最佳男配角奖。

8.to that of ensign in the Navy.陆军少尉的官阶相当于海军少尉。

9.Among them, scientific research. Senator John Ensign, a Repubpcan Party senator from Nevada, is co-author of the National Innovation Act.其中,科学研究者参议院约翰,是内华达州的共和党派人员,他也为美国国家创新条例的编撰出了一分力量。

10.After service as a Navy ensign, he worked in a beer-hall (piano), on radio, off Broadway, TV and Broadway.在服役于海军后,他在一家啤酒厅弹钢琴,在收音机,百老汇以外,电视和百老汇上表演。