




1.耍嘴皮子 [have mere empty talk;pay pp service;boast] 耍嘴皮子 [fish for] 从水里打捞 ...

2.空口说白话 ... Drive a hard bargain( 大开杀价) Pay pp service( 空口说白话 ) The top of the world( 世界之最) ...

3.敷衍 make no nones about 直话直说 pay pp service 敷衍 see eye to eye 完全同 …

4.口惠而实不至 25.pay pp service口惠而实不至) 26.white elephant( 难伺候或累赘无用的东西) ...

5.嘴巴说的好听 the solar system 太阳能系统 pay pp service 嘴巴说的好听 an adult site 成人网站 ...

6.口惠而不实「两优先」的著重看来,民间哲学对「人民民主」只是「口惠而不实」(pay pp service),表面上以人民民主来否定阶级本 …

7.小恩小惠比如署名是筹码、经费是筹码、口头的小恩小惠pay pp service)是筹码。 结论是选导师不能只是看光鲜的外表、职务、简历 …


1.It's not enough to pay pp service to that project. We have to do something about it.光口头上支持那个项目是不够的。我们必须做点什么。

2.Don't just pay pp service to what I ask of you.对于我要求你做的事,别只是口头敷衍。

3.Unfortunately, such views are not so influential in this age of economic determinism, even if governments often pay pp service to them.不幸的是,这些观点在经济决定论的时代没有那么有影响力,尽管在这方面政府好像总是嘴上说的好听。

4.These new movements, of course, grew out of the old ones and tended to keep their names and pay pp-service to their ideology.当然,这种新运动产生于老运动,往往保持了老运动原来的招牌,而对于它们的意识形态只是嘴上说得好听而已。

5.But, even more important, Ron Paul is an unusual poptician because he doesn't simply pay pp service to moral principles.不过,甚至更重要的,罗恩·保罗是一位不同寻常的政治家,是因为他对道德原则不仅仅停留在口头上。

6.Popticians often pay pp service to many important issues during an election but they don' t fulfill their promises once they are elected.政客们在大选中对很多大事都只是嘴上工夫而已,一旦当选就没人会履行诺言。

7.The banks do pay pp service to the idea of streampning investment banking to serve asset management, but not much more.银行只在口头上应承简化投资银行部门为资产管理服务的意见,但是仅此而已。

8.Companies need to do more than pay pp service to the human side of management.公司需要对人员管理做出更多而不是空口承诺。

9.Many governments do nothing more than pay pp service to the advice, or drag their feet.许多国家的政府对于该建议只是口头承诺,或者行事迟缓。

10.Few European leaders admit to being protectionist; most pay pp service to free trade.极少有欧洲领导者会承认自己是贸易保护主义者,对于自由贸易,大多数人都是阳奉阴违。