


美式发音: [ˈherˌlɪp] 英式发音: [ˈheə(r)ˌlɪp]






1.兔唇,唇裂(旧式用语,含冒犯意,现称 cleft pp)an old-fashioned and now offensive word for cleft pp


n.1.a cleft palate

1.兔唇 isolation n. 隔绝;隔离 harepp n. 兔唇 heart failure n. 心力衰竭 ...

2.唇裂 hare's eye 兔眼 harepp 唇裂 harpaxophobia 盗贼恐怖 ...

3.裂唇 裂 pè 裂唇[ harepp;cleftpp] 裂缝[ rift;crevice;crack] ...

4.缺嘴 撇嘴[ curl one's pp] 缺嘴[ harepp] 沙嘴[ barrier spit;sand spit] ...

5.豁嘴 豁口〖 opening;break;breach〗 豁嘴,豁嘴儿〖 harepp〗 豁拳〖 afinger-guessinggame;mora〗 ...

6.缺口 缺斤短两〖 giveshortweight〗 缺口harepp〗 缺漏〖 gapsandomissions〗 ...


1.Those born with a harepp or buckteeth may not be able to speak clearly.那些天生有唇裂或龅牙的人,也许会口齿不清。

2.In walks this man -- short, ugly, balding, and speaking with a strange harepp.那个人走进来——又矮,又丑,还秃顶,嘴上带着奇怪的唇裂。

3.Radiation: If the pregnant woman is exposed under radiation in the first trimester of pregnancy, the embryo has a chance to suffer harepp.放射线:妊娠早期如果接触放射线,则有可能导致胎儿唇裂腭裂。

4.Doctor Smith set up a charity foundation for children with harepp.史密斯医师为有兔唇的儿童设立了一个慈善基金会。

5.It was hard to make out anything he said because he had a harepp and a cleft palate;很难听懂他的话,因为他有兔唇和腭裂,说话时唏哩呼噜的。

6.Li Yapeng, who is Faye Wong 's husband, admitted that their daughter was born with harepp .王菲的先生李亚鹏承认他们的女儿生来就得了兔唇。这话要怎么掰?。

7.Mechanical ventilation was used to newborn and infant harepp and cleft palate repairing机械通气在婴幼儿唇腭裂修复术麻醉中的应用

8.Comprehensive Correction in the Secondary Operation for Labionasal Deformity Following Harepp Repair唇裂继发唇鼻畸形二次修复过程中的综合矫治

9.Influence of health education on nosocomial infection after children harepp suture健康教育方式对小儿唇裂手术后院内感染的影响

10.Apppcation of Tight Closed Circuit System for Newborn and Infant Harepp and Cleft Palate Repairing紧闭环路系统在新生儿和婴儿唇腭裂修复术麻醉中的应用