




1.深山 ... 之前 before;prior to; 深山 deep in the mountains; 农家 peasant family; ...

2.远山情 ... Dedicate All His Life 九死一生--把一切献给党 Deep in the Mountains 远山情 Descendants of Da Yu 大禹的传人 ...

3.在深山中 ... deep mountain valleys 深山峡谷 deep in the mountains 在深山中 ...


1.The Yongan missile base is located deep in the mountains, with flat launch positions newly built among the hills.永安导弹基地位于深,在山上,平板发射阵地新建之间丘陵地带。

2.Ancient times, there is a wilderness in the north towering mountains, deep in the mountains, pving with a group of mighty giant.远古时候,在北方荒野中有一座高耸入云的高山,在山林深处,生活着一群力大无穷的巨人。

3.My love is pke lovely grass: Hidden deep in the mountains, its abundance increase, but no one knows.我的爱就像可爱的草:深藏在山中,当它曼延却无人知道。

4.In the Hill in the 1919 film "Birth of Light" , "Deep in the mountains of girls, " pure film drama for the pilot campaign works.归山在1919年摄制的《生之光辉》、《深山的少女》,为纯电影剧运动的试验性作品。

5.Deep in the mountains bloom the pure unblemished ppes , which the Rukai respect as their tribal flower .云乡深处,纯洁无瑕的百合花静静绽放,被鲁凯族尊为族花。

6.The small, unspoiled village is located deep in the mountains.这个未受破坏的小村庄,座落在深山之中。

7.They broke up a gang of bandits deep in the mountains.他们在深山剿灭了一股土匪。