


美式发音: [pikt] 英式发音: [piːkt]





Adj.+n.peaked cap





1.有帽檐的;有帽舌的having a peak n.

2.有病的;憔悴的;苍白的ill/sick or pale



adj.1.curving or rising to a point2.a peaked cap or hat has a flat curved part that continues beyond the main part at the front above the eyes3.pale and sick in appearance

v.1.The past participle and past tense of peak

1.最高点 波动: fluctuate/rebound/undulate/wave …… 最高(低)点peaked; reached a peak/high point 饼图: pie chart ...

2.鸭舌帽 鸭嘴龙[ duck-billed dinosaur] 鸭舌帽[ peaked(visored) cap] drake; 公鸭 ...

3.有遮檐的 ... greenfield investments 在某一领域做首次投资 peaked 有遮檐的; 有尖峰的 outfit . 配备, 用具 ...

4.尖形领 Funnel 漏斗形 Peaked 尖形领 Swallow 燕子领 ...

5.消瘦的 ... peak-fresh 合季节的 peaked 消瘦的 peaky 有峰的 ...

6.尖顶形d Keystones)、菱形(Diamond)、尖顶形Peaked)等。

7.尖峰的 3. optimistic 乐观的 4. peaked 尖峰的 5. emerged 出现的 ...

8.带尖顶的 ... pinnacle1. 小尖顶,小尖塔 peaked2. 带尖的;带尖顶的 smacking1. 轻快的;活泼的 ...


1.Alternatively, or to be used in conjunction with special end sections, peaked roof conversion kits may be used on all "A" framed structures.此外,或将要使用的特殊路段配合年底达到高峰,屋顶转换装置,可在所有“A”的框架结构中使用。

2.When it peaked at the beginning of this year, using MSCI data, India's multiple was almost double that of the All Country-World index.根据摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)的数据,当印度股市在今年初见顶的时候,其市盈率几乎是全球指数的两倍。

3.The flare peaked early Tuesday and created a large cloud that appeared to cover almost half the surface of the sun, NASA said.周二早些时候达到峰值的照明弹,制造了一个巨大的云覆盖了几乎一半的太阳表面,NASA说。

4.But for the moment their influence looks as if it has peaked.但是就现在来看,他们的影响也好像到达巅峰了。

5.Exactly a year ago, Bastille Day was the moment the oil market peaked, then crashed.整整一年前的巴士底日(7月14日,法国国庆日,译者注),原油市场见顶,然后崩溃。

6.Over the past two decades, its ratio of imports to GDP (which peaked at 32% in 2005) was more than twice that of Japan's.在过去的二十年中,它的进口额占国内生产总值比率是日本的两倍以上。

7.The huge amounts of money thrown at this problem since Libor peaked almost five percentage points higher than it is now have had an effect.自从Libor达到峰值(较目前水平高出近5个百分点)以来,为解决危机投入的巨额资金起到了效果。

8.This personage was a grey-bearded old man, wearing a woman's gown and a high, peaked cap. It was the buffoon, Nastasya Ivanovna.此人是个髯须斑白的老头,他身穿女人的外衣,头戴高顶帽,这就是名叫纳斯塔西娅·伊万诺夫娜的侍从丑角。

9.Doctors say they do not know if this unusually early flu season has peaked yet, or if this year's outbreak will get worse.医生说,现在还很难说当前这个早得不同寻常的流感季节是否已经过了高峰期,或者今年的疫情是否会变得更为糟糕。

10.And then, out of nowhere, the pain in his scar peaked. As he clutched his forehead and closed his eyes, a voice screamed inside his head.接着,伤疤的痛陡然加剧。他按住额头,双目紧闭,似乎听到脑中有个声音在尖叫。