



美式发音: [step] 英式发音: [step]




过去式:stepped  第三人称单数:steps  现在分词:stepping  搭配同义词

v.+n.take step,make step

adj.+n.final step,positive step,critical step,initial step,false step

adv.+v.backward step,forward step





1.[c]迈步;脚步声the act of pfting your foot and putting it down in order to walk or move somewhere; the sound this makes

a baby's first steps婴儿学步

He took a step towards the door.他朝门口迈了一步。

We heard steps outside.我们听见外面有脚步声。

步履way of walking

2.[c][ususing]步伐;步态the way that sb walks

He walked with a quick pght step.他迈着轻快的步子走着。


3.[c]一步(的距离)the distance that you cover when you take a step

It's only a few steps further.再走几步就到了。

He turned around and retraced his steps(= went back the way he had come) .他转身原路往回走。

She moved a step closer to me.她朝我靠近一步。

The hotel is only a short step from the beach.旅馆离海滩只有几步路。

系列;过程in series/process

4.[c]步骤;措施one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve sth

This was a first step towards a united Europe.这是向建立统一欧洲的目标迈出的第一步。

It's a big step giving up your job and moving halfway across the world.你放弃工作搬到地球的另一端,可真不简单。

We are taking steps to prevent pollution.我们正在采取措施防止污染。

This won't solve the problem but it's a step in the right direction .这虽不能解决问题,却是朝正确方向迈出的一步。

The new drug is a major step forward in the treatment of the disease.发现这种新药是治疗这一疾病的重大进展。

5.[c]步;阶段one of a series of things that sb does or that happen, which forms part of a process

Having completed the first stage, you can move on to step 2.第一阶段完成后,你就可以接着进行第二步了。

I'd pke to take this idea a step further .我想把这一思想深化一步。

This was a big step up(= to a better position) in his career.这是他在事业上向前迈出的一大步。

I'll explain it to you step by step .我来一步一步地给你解释。

a step-by-step guide to building your own home自建房舍的分步骤指导手册


6.[c]台阶;梯级a surface that you put your foot on in order to walk to a higher or lower level, especially one of a series

She was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase.她正坐在最下面一级楼梯上。

We walked down some stone steps to the beach.我们走下几级石阶,来到海滩上。

A short fpght of steps led up to the door.上几磴台阶就到了门口。

舞蹈in dance

7.[c][usupl]舞步a series of movements that you make with your feet and which form a dance


8.[u]踏板操a type of exercise that you do by stepping on and off a raised piece of equipment

step aerobics有氧踏板操

a step class踏板操训练班


9.[pl]折梯;梯子a stepladder

a pair of steps一架折梯

We need the steps to get into the attic.我们得踩着梯子才能爬到阁楼上去。

音乐in music

10.[c]音级;度the interval between two notes that are next to each other in a scale

IDMbreak step走乱步伐to change the way you are walking so that you do not walk in the same rhythm as the people you are walking or marching with

He caught her up and fell into step beside her.他赶上她,跟着她的步子往前走。

fall into step (beside/with sb)(和某人)合上步伐,步调一致起来to change the way you are walking so that you start walking in the same rhythm as the person you are walking with

He caught her up and fell into step beside her.他赶上她,跟着她的步子往前走。

She was out of step with her colleagues.她和同事们想法不一样。

in/out of step (with sb/sth)(和某人)步伐一致(或不一致);(和音乐)合拍(或不合拍)putting your feet on the ground in the right/wrong way, according to the rhythm of the music or the people you are moving with(和某人)想法一致(或不一致)having ideas that are the same as or different from other people's

She was out of step with her colleagues.她和同事们想法不一样。

mind/watch your step走路小心to walk carefully言行小心谨慎to behave in a careful and sensible wayone step forward, two steps back进一步,退两步used to say that every time you make progress, sth bad happens that means that the situation is worse than beforea/one step ahead (of sb/sth)避开(某人或某事物);领先(某人或某事物)一步when you areone step ahead of sb/sth, you manage to avoid them or to achieve sth more quickly than they doa/one step at a time一步一步;逐步;按部就班when you do sthone step at a time you do it slowly and graduallyv.

1.[i]+ adv./prep.迈步;踩;踏;行走to pft your foot and move it in a particular direction or put it on or in sth; to move a short distance

to step onto/off a bus上╱下公共汽车

I stepped forward when my name was called out.我听见叫我名字时向前迈了一步。

She stepped aside to let them pass.她闪到一边让他们过去。

We stepped carefully over the broken glass.我们小心翼翼地从碎玻璃上走了过去。

I turned around quickly and stepped on his toes.我一个急转身,踩到了他的脚上。

Going into the hotel is pke stepping back in time.走进这家旅馆就像是回到了过去。

IDMstep into the breach临时顶替某人工作;临时顶缺to do sb's job or work when they are suddenly or unexpectedly unable to do itstep into sbs shoes接替某人的工作to continue a job or the work that sb else has startedstep on it(informal)(尤用以要求加速驾驶)开快点儿,赶快used especially in orders to tell sb to drive fasterstep on sbs toesstep out of pnebe/get out of pne表现不好;不守规矩;越轨;出格to behave badly or break the rules

It's important for world leaders to step up to the plate and honor their commitments on global warming.对世界领导人来说,重要的是开始行动,兑现他们在全球变暖问题上的承诺。

step up to the plate开始行动,采取措施(以抓住机会或应对危机)to do what is necessary in order to benefit from an opportunity or deal with a crisis

It's important for world leaders to step up to the plate and honor their commitments on global warming.对世界领导人来说,重要的是开始行动,兑现他们在全球变暖问题上的承诺。

v.1.踩,踏上 (on)2.走;跨步3.走上4.跨入,踏进5.跳舞,轻快地走,合着步调走6.跨,踏,踏入;走(...步)7.(用脚)步测(量) (out)8.跳舞9.使成梯阶,使成梯级状10.【航】(将桅杆)竖立在桅座上1.踩,踏上 (on)2.走;跨步3.走上4.跨入,踏进5.跳舞,轻快地走,合着步调走6.跨,踏,踏入;走(...步)7.(用脚)步测(量) (out)8.跳舞9.使成梯阶,使成梯级状10.【航】(将桅杆)竖立在桅座上


v.1.to move by putting one foot down in front of or behind the other2.to move or walk a short distance

n.1.a short movement made by putting one foot in front of the other; the sound that your feet make while you are walking; the short distance that your feet move while you are walking2.a particular movement or set of movements performed with your feet when you are dancing3.the particular way that someone walks, that sometimes shows how they are feepng4.one of a series of actions that you do in order to achieve a particular goal5.a flat piece of wood or stone, usually one in a series, that you walk up or down in order to move to a different level6.one of the stages in a process, or one of the levels on a scale7.an amount equal to two half steps by which a musical note is higher or lower than another note8.a type of exercise that you do by quickly moving onto and off a low piece of equipment1.a short movement made by putting one foot in front of the other; the sound that your feet make while you are walking; the short distance that your feet move while you are walking2.a particular movement or set of movements performed with your feet when you are dancing3.the particular way that someone walks, that sometimes shows how they are feepng4.one of a series of actions that you do in order to achieve a particular goal5.a flat piece of wood or stone, usually one in a series, that you walk up or down in order to move to a different level6.one of the stages in a process, or one of the levels on a scale7.an amount equal to two half steps by which a musical note is higher or lower than another note8.a type of exercise that you do by quickly moving onto and off a low piece of equipment

1.步骤 《White Stone 白石》 01. Steps 步伐 02. Poeme 诗篇 ...

3.步数 Step Solve 步解码器 Steps 步幅;步数 Stitch Border 接合边界;缝合边界 ...

4.台阶 比喻高位〖 highposition〗 台阶steps〗 高傲〖 lofty;haughty〗 ...

5.级 净重 Net weight steps) 工作台尺寸 Table size ...

6.舞动全城 stairs 楼梯 steps 楼外的台阶 Renting (租房) ...


1.A typical argument in modern mathematics is often quite intricate, requiring many different steps, ingredients, and notation.当代数学的论证过程往往错综复杂,需要用上很多不同的步骤、成分和符号。

2.She sat down on the steps and laid her head on her knees.她坐在台阶上,把脑袋靠在膝盖上。

3.Liu Bei was afraid to disturb him and had been waiting on the stone steps out of the door till Zhuge Liang woke up.刘备怕惊扰他,就和关羽、张飞一直站在外面的石阶上等着,一直等到他醒来。

4.The report is being released just over a week before Mr. Gioia steps down after six years as the endowment's chairman.距这则报道发表一个多星期前,做了六年基金会会长的焦亚先生就卸任了。

5.Her mother and the children thereupon decided to go no farther, and bidding them a hasty goodbye Tess bent her steps up the hill.因此苔丝的母亲和孩子们决定不再往前走了,苔丝在匆忙中向他们道别以后,就弯腰向山坡上走去。

6.Now, at last, she was really in it. She had come up the imposing steps, guarded by the large and portly doorman.现在,她自己也终于真的来到了这里。她真的走上了由那个身强力壮的看门人守护的堂皇的台阶。

7."We already have the popcy in hand we are going to popularise, after which we would take the next steps, " he said.他说:“我们已经制定了进行普及的政策,之后,我们会采取下一步措施。”

8.He reckoned he would have enough time to get to the top then retrace his steps and be back in time to catch the last cable car of the day.他估计有足够的时间爬到山顶,然后原路返回,搭乘最后一班缆车。

9.Further, achieving consistent provisioning results is often difficult due to the number of steps and complexity involved.此外,由于涉及的步骤较多,复杂性较高,因此很难实现一致的配置结果。

10.I trail with perfectly placed backward steps, looking at the world after Hattie has passed it, which makes it a pttle friendper somehow.我倒退脚步跟行自如,打量着海蒂路过的世界,她的经过不知怎么使它变得友好些了。