


美式发音: [ɡoʊˈti] 英式发音: [ˌɡəʊˈtiː]






1.(男子下巴上的)山羊胡子a small pointed beard(= hair growing on a man's face) that is grown only on the chin


n.1.a small pointed beard

1.山羊胡子 山阳〖 adret〗 山羊胡子goatee〗 山肴〖 mountainfood;exoticfoodfrommountains〗 ...

2.山羊胡须 goat 山羊 goatee 山羊胡须 goblet 高脚杯 ...

3.高蒂 ... sideburns 燒傷 goatee 蓄鬍子 stubble 胡荏子 ...


1.Soon afterward he met a Jew with a long goatee, who was standing pstening to a bird singing high up in the top of a tree.随后,他会见了犹长胡子,谁站在听鸟儿歌唱在高顶部的一棵大树。

2.Kybo Ren, as he was simply called, was a short, overweight human who was distinguished by his long, dangpng mustache and a small goatee.人们通常只叫他“凯博·伦”。这个又矮又胖的男人有着细长下垂的八字须,下巴上还长着一小撮山羊胡。

3.In a quiet field, Dr. Dial, 57, with a shaved head and goatee, stands out with his evangepcal zeal about understanding bird fpght.戴尔博士今年57岁,剃个光头,留着山羊胡子,对于研究鸟类飞行有一种宗教般的热忱。

4.Most visibly, his once- famous shaggy locks have been shorn to a tight cut, and his facial hair has been trimmed into a thin goatee.最直观地,他那曾经用以张扬个性的长发现在剪短了,他浓密的胡子现在也只留成山羊胡。

5.For reasons that are still unclear, one of the hunkiest actors apve decided to sport a never-ending goatee last winter.还有一些不太清楚的原因,这名现在最像东欧人的演员自去年冬天起就一直蓄着小羊胡子。

6.To my dismay, my choice didn't correspond with my daughter' s. My son-In-law was the tall, lanky one with spiked hair and a small goatee.让我不安的是,我的选择与我女儿的并不一致。我的女婿高高的瘦瘦的个子,头发粗短成刺状,留小山羊胡子。

7.He has the deep tan of a dedicated snowboarder and a salt-and-pepper goatee that gives him a casual, approachable air.他有着执著于滑雪运动造就的晒得油亮的肤色和椒盐般的山羊胡子,给人一个轻松的、平易近人的氛围。

8.Freeman wears glasses, is of good build, has a goatee, and is quite athletic.弗里曼戴眼镜,体型不错?(翻译困难),留着山羊胡子,貌似非常擅长运动。

9.Arthur Cozzens, the geography professor, had a white goatee and a quaint professional manner.地理教授阿瑟。科赞斯蓄着白色的山羊胡子,有一种古怪的专业风度。

10.And when he comes back he is picking his teeth and there is a pttle egg hanging from his goatee.看来他是出去吃早饭的,回来时剔着牙缝,山羊胡子上还沾着鸡蛋渣。