






1.The multi-locomotion modes and compound mobile mechanism are the main traits of the amphibious robot.多运动模式和复合移动机构是该机器人的突出特点。

2.The airborne units were to secure the flanks of the amphibious assault.空降部队的任务是从侧翼掩护两栖进攻。

3.What could the amphibious creature have been, who, by this terrible blow had destroyed the formidable dugong?究竟是什么两栖动物进行了骇人的袭击,把凶猛的儒艮咬死的呢?

4.The underwater walking experiment results of the amphibious multi-legged robot verify the feasibipty of the proposed gait.通过分析两栖多足机器人的水下实验结果,验证了步态的可行性。

5.At the behind animal diverse sex-the amphibious type introduces several categories that the kinds represent sex only.在后面动物多样性-两栖类仅介绍几种代表性的种类。人们通过认识两栖类物种的多样性。

6.Originally, the amphibious amphibious tank's outer covering manufactures with the thin steel plate, the chassis design is dexterous.原来,水陆两栖坦克的外壳用薄型钢板制作,车体设计轻巧。

7.I had this happen thrice: amphibious assaults of obsolete units without the amphibious promotion, resulting in mass suicide.我已经三次发现这种情况了:用没有晋升过两栖作战的老旧部队进行两栖登陆攻击,造成大批量的自杀。

8.yuke landing force assault squadron , provide fire support to the amphibious force.进攻中队,为两栖军提供火力支援。

9.The amphibious armoured command & control vehicle in service with the PLA Marine Corps.在PLA海军陆战队服役中的水陆两栖装甲指挥&控制车辆。

10.The amphibious whale shaped toy is provided for solving that the amphibious toy is less.为解决当前水陆两用玩具较少而提供的。