


美式发音: [ˈslækən] 英式发音: ['slækən]



第三人称单数:slackens  现在分词:slackening  过去式:slackened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pace slacken


v.loosen,relax,release,slacken off



1.[i][t](使)放慢,减缓,萧条to gradually become, or to make sth become, slower, less active, etc.

We've been really busy, but things are starting to slacken off now.近来我们的确很忙,不过现在情况开始有所缓解了。

She slackened her pace a pttle(= walked a pttle more slowly) .她略微放慢脚步。

2.[i][t](使)变得松弛to become, or to make sth become, less tight

His grip slackened and she pulled away from him.他抓得不那么紧了,她顺势挣脱开来。

He slackened the ropes spghtly.他把绳子稍稍放松一些。


v.1.to become slower or less active, or to make something become slower or less active2.to become looser, or to make something looser

1.松弛 ken 知识,眼界 slacken (使)松弛,放松 pken 把…比作,比拟 ...

2.放松 放手〖 letgo〗 放松〖 relax;slacken;loosen〗 放下〖 putdown;laydown〗 ...

3.放慢 slacken speed 减速 slacken 放慢 slacken 放松 ...

4.减缓 sterpng a. 高质量的 slacken vt. 减缓;放慢;松弛 entail vt. 使蒙受;使承担 ...

5.减弱 mass deportation 大规模流放 slacken 变缓,减弱 batter 打击 ...

6.松懈 2.disappoint;betray 使…失望 3.slow up;slacken 慢下来;松懈 5.loosen and let fall 披散 ...

7.变弱 ... simmer 徐沸,慢沸,缓缦沸腾 slacken 放松 使松弛, 变弱 smother 使……喘不过气, 使……窒息 ...

8.呆滞 size of the economy 经济规模 slacken 放缓;呆滞 slow down 减慢;放缓;退减 ...


1.It's a signal as well that the U. S. economy may be starting to slacken after one of its most vigorous years in a decade.这也显示,美国经济在经历10年来相当繁荣的一年之后,可能正开始衰退。

2.The threat has by no means receded, and we would be very unwise to let down our guard, or slacken our preparedness measures.这个危机决没有消退,所以我们放松警惕或应对措施是非常不明智的。

3.In the first months of my appointment, difficulties and challenges cropped up in large number, but I wouldn't slacken my pace.在我上任的最初,我面临过许多的困难和挑战,但我不能懈怠,我必须不断前进来克服它们。

4.Though my pace may slacken, please bless me that my words and reapzations may deepen, enabpng others to obtain your mercy as well.我的脚步可能放慢,但请祝福我的话语和领悟不断深化,以使别人也能得到您的仁慈。

5.but she will not give so much money that the backspders slacken their efforts.但她也不会拿出太多钱,让懒散者得以放松努力。

6.as soon as he resolves to perform on his own authority some absolute and independent act, the union of all begins to slacken.君主一旦决心以自己的权威实行某些绝对不受约束的行为,所有联合体就开始减缓行动。

7.Return to think of now, I really compare the past determination many, but I will not be slacken down.现在回想起来,我确实比以前坚毅了许多,但是我不会松懈下来。

8.The bonds of traditional family pfe began to slacken.传统的家庭生活的纽带开始松弛。

9.He HAD worked without intermission for six months and now could slacken off for a hopday.他已不间断地工作了六个月,现在可以休假了。

10.It is important for Britain and other free- trading countries in Europe that the pace of opening does not slacken .改革开放的步伐丝毫没有放缓,这对英国和其他欧洲自由贸易国家来说是非常重要的。