



美式发音: [ˌnɒmiˈniː] 英式发音: [ˌnɒmɪˈniː]



复数:nominees  同义词




n.1.sb. who has been officially suggested for a job or a prize

1.被提名者 3. Swing 摇晃 4. nominees 被提名者(复数) 5. rocked 使...震颤/震动/摇晃 ...

2.入围者 第四张画 The Fourth Portrait 入围者 Nominees 维多利亚壹号 Dream Home ...

3.提名人客在加勒比海及南太平洋一些国家设立公司,跟_推出「提名人 」(nominees)名字作为纸上的公司主管及持股人,隐藏真正东 …

4.入围奖项 ... 片名 Film Title 入围奖项 Nominees 1.最佳纪录片 Best Documentary ...

5.入围名单 - 得奖名单( winners) - 入围名单( nominees) - 资料统计( statistics) ...

6.候选人 ... pay for: 支付 nominees: 候选人 nervous: 紧张的 ...

7.入围作品 获奖作品 Award Winning Shorts 入围作品 Nominees 导演 Director ...


1.She was one of the nominees for best actress.她是最佳女主角的被提名人之一。

2.There was no clear single reason for the Senate's rejection of the president's two previous nominees.参议院回绝前两个总统提名的总理候选人的原因并不清楚。

3.shareholder group is not assured of being able to fill every director seat with its own nominees.股东集团是不放心,能够填补每名董事席位与自己的提名。

4.And the United States Senate has a duty as well - to give those nominees a fair hearing, and a prompt up-or-down vote on the Senate floor.美国参议院也有责任就这些提名人选问题举行公平的听证会,并在参议院立即做出表决。

5.At Oscar time, the backstory of the nominees often seems to be the same: every studio in town turned them down.奥斯卡评奖的时候,被提名者的幕后故事通常看起来都一样:市里的片场都拒绝过他们。

6.Nominees: Those committee members need to ask the hard questions of these nominees and examine their records closely.委员会的成员必须针对被提名者问一些很严厉的问题,并且仔细考查他们的记录。

7.We have reached the point at which vice presidents are close partners of presidents and inevitable nominees of their respective parties.我们现在的副总统已经成为总统的亲密搭档和党内必然的总统候选人选。

8.When Baek Sang chooses their most prestigious and dignified works, it is said to be an honor to be even just mentioned among the nominees .当百想选择他们的最有名望和荣誉的工作,它被认为荣誉是均匀的被提及在被提名人之中。

9.Of all the nominees, Natape Portman has earned the most praise for her role in "Black Swan, " in which she plays a tortured ballerina.在所有提名人中,NatapePortman凭借电影《黑天鹅》(BlackSwan)中精神扭曲的芭蕾舞演员一角,赢得最高呼声。

10.Any pst of candidates to be the 'next Steve Jobs' is sure to spark an argument, sometimes from the nominees themselves.任何“下一个乔布斯”候选者名单都肯定会引发争议,有时争议来自上榜者本人。