




1.史泰龙史泰龙(STALLONE)有两个「别字」一个叫洛奇,另一个叫兰保。在银幕上,洛奇与兰保时时都历尽艰难险阻,受尽人情冷暖、 …

2.史特龙这是62岁的史特龙Stallone)最近照片!(他曾公开承认使用GH等禁药),下个月他将开拍新片「THE EXPENDABLES」 …


1.During the next year and a half, Stallone wrote eight screenplays but was unable to sell any of them.接下来的一年里,史泰龙写了8个剧本,但一个都没卖出去。

2.The fact Stallone seemed to have a syringe sticking out of his neck also suggested it may have been a spoof.照片显示,史泰龙的颈部似乎冒出了一支注射器,这也暗示着住院事件可能是一次恶搞。

3.He also referred to an interview Stallone had with customs officers in which he was asked why he took the human growth hormone.同时,他还公开了史泰龙和海关人员的对话,其间史泰龙被问及他携带人类生长荷尔蒙的原因。

4.For the next three and a half days straight (without sleeping), Stallone and his wife, Sasha, wrote the first draft of Rocky.在经过3天半的不眠不休后,他和他的妻子萨莎完成了《洛基》的手稿。

5.A year later Dolph went for an audition for "some boxing movie" , he met Sylvester Stallone and the rest is history.一年后dolph去音,为“一些拳击电影”,他会见了史泰龙和其余的是历史。

6.In an interview with a fan website, he described the scene, poking fun at his and Stallone's trademark verbal dexterity.在一个粉丝网站的访谈中,他在描述一个电影场景时取笑了自己和史泰龙的口才。

7.A forceps accident during his birth severed a facial nerve, leaving Stallone with parts of his pp, tongue, and chin paralyzed.出生时,由于动用了产钳,严重地损坏了他面部的神经,致使他的嘴唇,舌头和下颚部分麻痹。

8.It's now known that the legendary casting rumors over the years, from Stallone to Arnold to Eddie Murphy to Adam Sandler, were but a dream.众所周知多年来关于演员人选的传闻一直谣言四起,从史泰龙到安纳德,从埃迪·墨菲到亚当·桑德勒,都不过是一个空想。

9.Stallone decided to move to Hollywood and try his luck there, but he still had no success in selpng his scripts.他决定去好莱坞试试运气。但他在那仍然没能卖出一个剧本。

10.Stallone then offered him $1, 000 for the dog, to which the man repped, "No amount of money is going to buy you this dog. "史泰龙出到1000美元。但那个人回答:“不管多少钱都不会卖。”