


美式发音: [aʊtˈsmɑrt] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈsmɑː(r)t]



第三人称单数:outsmarts  现在分词:outsmarting  过去式:outsmarted  同义词

v.outwit,outfox,outmaneuver,outmanoeuvre,get the better of



1.~ sb比…精明;智胜to gain an advantage over sb by acting in a clever way

She always managed to outsmart her poptical rivals.她总有办法表现得比她的政敌智高一筹。


v.1.<AmE>Same as outwit2.to gain an advantage over someone, especially by using a clever or dishonest trick

1.智胜 output n. 产量,产品 outsmart vt. 比…更精明,智胜 ovation n. 欢呼,热烈欢迎 ...

2.比…更聪明 warp:n. 歪曲,偏见。 outsmart:v. 比……更聪明 buddy:n. 密友,伙伴。 ...

3.打败 ... willpower 意志力 outsmart 比…更聪明,打败,瞒过 n. 个别指导的 ...

4.瞒过 ... willpower 意志力 outsmart 比…更聪明,打败,瞒过 n. 个别指导的 ...

5.财智达人 ... 多人红心游戏 高清 Hearts Multiplayer HD 智取 Outsmart 怪兽配对 Monstory – A Monster Sounds Match Game ...

7.比…更精明 output n. 产量,产品 outsmart vt. 比…更精明,智胜 ovation n. 欢呼,热烈欢迎 ...


1.Others felt that the Olympic champion from Cuba might be able to outbox and outsmart the elder Kptschko brother.有人觉得古巴的奥运会冠军可能爆冷,击败大克里琴科。

2.There were certainly other ways of trying to outsmart the weather before air-conditioning came along, at the dawn of the 20th century.早在20世纪初空调诞生之前,人们就已经想出了其他办法来改造天气。

3.However, many viruses can outsmart that system by blocking one of the steps further down the cascade.然而,很多病毒能通过阻塞这一连串反应的一个步骤来聪明的骗过这一系统。

4."Villains can always outsmart" , in a small number of evil in the hearts and minds , and always will produce other alternatives to melamine.“道高一尺,魔高一丈”,在少数作恶人的心中,总是会生产出其它的三聚氰胺的替代品来。

5.We are dedicated to assisting you to get hold of the valuable competitive advantages and play outsmart.我们致力于帮助您的把握领先的竞争优势并制胜商场。

6.Evolution is smarter than we are, andeconomic evolution tends to outsmart the rules we erect to guide it.进化比我们聪明,而且经济进化往往会超越我们建立用以引导其发展的规则。

7.As the various parts are bidding to strengthen supervision , "the villains can always outsmart" and "tailored" tricks in place.由于各地都在加强招投标的监督,“道高一尺、魔高一丈”,“量身定做”这个花招便应运而生。

8.But ultimately it is up to companies to outsmart the smart phone by insisting that everyone turn them off from time to time.但归根结底,要想战胜智能手机,还得靠公司时时要求员工关掉它们。

9.I rest easy knowing that your revenge requires you to first outsmart someone's mount.考虑到你想复仇至少要先比某人的坐骑聪明,我就安心了。

10.Coming up with fresh new gene combinations should allow organisms to outsmart parasites, which are also continuously evolving.生物不断结合新基因,不仅使它们优于寄生虫,更使它们可以保持不断进化。