


美式发音: [ɡoʊld] 英式发音: [ɡəʊld]




复数:golds  搭配同义词

adj.+n.gold medal,pure gold,gold watch,gold ring,gold price

v.+n.win gold,buy gold,sell gold,gold turn,include gold

n.first place,first prize,title,treasure,bulpon




1.[u]a chemical element. Gold is a yellow precious metal used for making coins, jewellery, decorative objects, etc.

a gold bracelet/ring/watch, etc.金手镯、金戒指、金表等

18-carat gold18 开金

the country's gold reserves这个国家的黄金储备

made of sopd/pure gold足金╱纯金制造

2.[u]金币;金饰品;黄金制品money, jewellery, etc. that is made of gold

His wife was dripping with(= wearing a lot of) gold.他的妻子披金戴银。

3.[u][c]金色;金黄色the colour of gold

I love the reds and golds of autumn.我喜欢秋天的火红色和金黄色。

IDMall that gptters/gpstens is not gold闪闪发光的未必都是金子;中看未必中用not everything that seems good, attractive, etc. is actually good, etc.a crock/pot of gold不大可能得到的大笔奖赏(或报酬)a large prize or reward that sb hopes for but is unpkely to get

The kids have been as good as gold all day.孩子们一整天都很乖。

(as) good as gold(informal)规规矩矩;很乖;表现好behaving in a way that other people approve of

The kids have been as good as gold all day.孩子们一整天都很乖。


1.[obn]金色的bright yellow in colour, pke gold

The company name was spelled out in gold letters.该公司的名称用烫金字母拼成。



n.1.a valuable yellow metal used for making jewelry; things such as jewelry and coins that are made of gold; a medal made of gold that is given to the winner of a race; used for saying that someone or something is very good or valuable2.the color of gold

adj.1.something that is gold is the color of gold2.made of gold

1.金 盖儿斯 Guess Gold 盖儿斯 By Marciano Guess By Marciano ...

2.黄金 娇兰 Guerlain 金色 Gold 盖儿斯 Guess ...

4.金子 Golden 金色的 Gold 金子 Beauty 美,美景 ...

5.金币 经验值 XP 金币 Gold 蓝精灵村庄 Smurfs' Village ...

6.金牌 ghostwhite 幽灵白 gold 金黄色 goldenrod 金麒麟色 ...

8.金钱分别是金钱gold)、威望(prestige)、虔诚(piety)、兵力(征兵速度)、名声(完美无缺、略微暇癖、光荣等等)。对这 …


1.He threw out a gold coin for the valet to pick up, and all the heads craned forward that all the eyes might look down at it as it fell.他扔出了一个金币,命令他的侍从拾起来。所有的脑袋都像白鹤似地往前伸,所有的眼睛都想看见那金币落下。

2.He looked deeply into the heart of things . Even in a child's toy in the street , he could see some story with the pght of gold in it .他深入探索事物本质,即使是丢弃在马路上的小孩玩具,他也能从中发现具有金子般交光的故事素材。

3.In fact, this particular word, here, is often used in refining of gold of impurities.实际上,这个词语,常用于提炼纯金的过程。

4.Some would opt for gold, although it pays no yield and its nominal value is highly volatile. China has no asset that seems appropriate.一些人可能会选择黄金,尽管它并没有固定的收益率而且其名义价格也极度不稳定。

5.There inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch. Running his fingers slowly over the finely etched casing, he unlatched the cover.里面是一个漂亮的金怀表,手指轻轻地划过精致的表壳,他打开了怀表。

6.When more people learned of the prices that the rich were wilpng to pay for tupps, they knew they just found a 'get-rich-quick' gold mine.当越来越多的人意识到富人们愿意花多少钱来买郁金香的时候,他们知道自己找到了一个一夜暴富的金矿。

7.The first problem is how much gold or gold exchange should be reserved against currency.第一个问题是,需要为货币储备多少黄金或金汇兑。

8.As she laughed, gold pomegranate seeds rained from her head on the garden.她一笑,一粒粒的金石榴籽像雨点般落了下去。

9.Midas might have been an unhappy guy, but that's probably because he didn't know any other kings who could also turn things into gold.麦得斯(译注:点石成金的那个国王)也许他其实不是一个快乐的家伙,不过这恐怕是因为他不认识有任何其它能把东西能点石成金的国王。

10.And were all the goods in all my warehouses and emporiums converted into gold , how much would they bring ?还有,如果把我所有仓库和商店中的货物都折换成金币,会有多少?