




1.黑山 炮打双灯 Pao Da Shuang Deng 黑山路 Black Mountain 刑警荣誉 Xing Jing Rong Yu ...

3.黑山顶峰Mountain Drive,Acton,坐落于 黑山顶峰(Black Mountain),高达195公尺, 可以从塔上俯视堪培拉和近郊360度的辽阔景 观…

4.黑山音乐 ... 32.dragon nest_bgm_bossrush_intro( 魔王出场介绍) 35.dragon nest_bgm_field_black mountain( 黑山音乐) ...

5.黑山脉就是介於世界之脊山脉以南与黑山脉Black Mountain)间名为恶地的区域,以及血河(Blood River)与黑火隘口间世界之脊 …

6.黑山乡村俱乐部他们的代表作有:泰国曼谷华欣的黑山乡村俱乐部BLACK MOUNTAIN)、印度新德里的牛津高尔夫乡村俱乐部、越南河内国 …

7.最高山黑山因为我们头晚约好,今天我们要争取在太阳出来之前,轻车攀登我们附近的最高山黑山Black Mountain)。这不是第一次了。


1.Duncan emerg(ed) as the leading poet of this group even as he also belongs to Black Mountain.邓肯emerg(教育)为主导的诗人这一群体尽管他也属于黑山。

2.The key to the Black Mountain poetics is to be found in American pragmatism as exemppfied by John Dewey.黑山诗学的基调可以从以约翰·杜威为范例的美国实用主义及其盲目乐观主义中看到。

3.There, we went right, down an initially very stony road which goes to a place called Black Mountain.我们向右拐,上了一条原来非常崎岖的路,是通向黑山的。

4.But this almost all became moribund hope, it changed back into diem also is black mountain apathy echoes of the just.但这几乎都成了垂死挣扎的希望,它换回的至多也只是黑色的山峰冷漠的回声罢了。如此的光景的那份冲动。

5.Looks pke we need to travel to the Black Mountain Clan and try to find out what's going on here.看样子我们需要去趟黑山部落并且设法查明这里到底发生了什么。

6.In the evening she arrives at Black Mountain.傍晚她到达黑色的山。

7.Red Brick, Black Mountain, White Clay: Reflections on Art, Family, and Survival红砖、黑山、白瓦:对艺术、家庭与生存的思考

8.Realm of the Black Mountain: A History of Montenegro黑山领域:门地内哥罗历史

9.Still there is stereoscopic plant the big and black mountain that distribute;还有植物立体分布的大黑山;