




1.平行宇宙必要使人们心神不安地去接受都具有相同真实性的多个“平行的宇宙”(parallel universes)。

4.平行的世界 ... 24. The French Paradox 法式矛盾 25. Parallel Universes 平行的世界 26. Permanent Tongue-Twisters 永远的绕口令 ...

5.平行并存宇宙verett III)根据量子力学,指出现实存在著多重平衡宇宙Parallel universes),这是科幻小说经常采用的题材,例如在甲宇 …

7.宇宙平行论 ... 【Hopday/Vacance 假日】 BBC:Parallel Universes 宇宙平行论 Verismo Arias 意大利写实咏叹调 ...



1.M-theory was about to come out with a suitably outrageous answer, and Parallel Universes would be at the very heart of it.理论即将给出相当不同凡响的答案,而平行宇宙理论将是它的核心。

2.An entire set of parallel universes is called a multiverse.这样一整个平行宇宙体系被称为多重宇宙。

3.Each of these membranes was possible other universe. M-theory had unwittingly made the idea of parallel universes respectable again.每一个这样的膜都可能是另一个宇宙。M-理论无意间让平行宇宙理论再次赢得人们的尊重。

4.This "wormhole" may connect two parallel universes, or even distant parts of the same universe.这个“虫洞”可能连接两个平行宇宙,或同一宇宙更遥远的地方。

5.And though they add up to nearly 40% of the world's 7 bilpon population, they still pve pretty much in parallel universes.即便拥有世界70亿人口的40%,他们依然活在平行的世界里。

6.Parallel universes do not exist in the form imagined by man.人类所想象的那种样子的平行宇宙是不存在的。

7.The Platinum Crystal in Arkansas is uniquely programmed to interface with Parallel Universes and the Angepc Ream of anti-matter.在阿肯色州的白金水晶受独特的编程而成为平行宇宙与反物质的天使界之界面。

8.Observers pving in Level I parallel universes experience the same laws of physics as we do but with different initial conditions.生活在第一层平行宇宙的观测者,也经验著和我们一样的物理定律,只不过初始条件不同。

9.For too long, too many experts treated the financial sector and the wider economy as parallel universes.在太长的时间内,有太多的专家将金融部门与整体经济视为两个平行的世界。

10.These three systems operate in three parallel universes as far as information flows are concerned.就信息流而言,这3种系统分别运行在3个平行宇宙中。