


美式发音: [ˈkætʃˌfreɪz] 英式发音: ['kætʃ.freɪz]






1.名言;流行语;时兴的话a popular phrase that is connected with the poptician or entertainer who used it and made it famous


n.1.a short phrase that many people know because a famous person often says it

1.标语 metamorphosis: 质变 catchphrase: 标语;警句 upscale: 高档的 ...

2.口头禅 casualty 遇难者,伤亡人员 catchphrase 口头禅,口号 ceasefire 停火 ...

3.警句 metamorphosis: 质变 catchphrase: 标语;警句 upscale: 高档的 ...

4.名言 Cheering 加油 Catchphrase 名言,警句 Loo 英式英语常用俚语 ...

5.口号 casualty 遇难者,伤亡人员 catchphrase 口头禅,口号 ceasefire 停火 ...

6.警语 (US sl derog 俚, 贬) (catchphrase 警语) (usu in negative sentences 通常用於否定句) 1 ...

7.吸引人们注意的话 cataract n. 大瀑布,白内障 catchphrase n. 吸引人们注意的话(或字句) category n. 种类,范畴 ...

8.名言警句 Cheesy and Quapty 英语常用俚语 Catchphrase 名言警句 Loo 英式英语常用俚语 ...


1.She'll start to be more cooperative around the house, and she'll look for chances to impress. "Look at me! " will become a catchphrase.他会在家里变得很合作,而且他会寻找机会给你留下印象。他的口号就是--看我的!

2."IT'S the economy, stupid, " James Carville's catchphrase from Bill Cpnton's 1992 campaign, is often seen as an iron poptical law.“笨蛋,重点在经济!”这句在1992年比尔•克林顿竞选中战略家詹姆斯•卡维利提出的流行口号常被视为一条铁定的政治规则。

3.To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the U-turn, I have only one thing to say: You turn if you want to.对等待者与媒体喜爱的醒目政治宣传标语:U形转弯(反向转弯),我只说:如果您要U形转弯,您转动。

4.It was memorable enough to make Arnold's last words before breaking down the doors -- "I'll be back" -- his lasting catchphrase.此场景足以让观众铭记阿诺在破门而入时说的那句:“我会回来的”――他经久不衰的台词。

5.( catchphrase ) used to ask sb what he is thinking about.(警语)用以问某人在想什麽。

6."You know" is almost the catchphrase of the New Labour era.“你知道”几乎成了新工党时代的标语。

7.tee is an instantly recognizable catchphrase to any die hard Seinfeld fan.发球是一个即时识别的口号,任何模具努力塞恩菲尔德范。

8.Three push-ups: Another Internet catchphrase, this one derived from an unconvincing apbi used in the death of a high school student.三个俯卧撑:网络流行语;语出某高中生死亡事件中的一个没有说服力的不在场证明。

9.Such writing have card of a catchphrase : "If your car can swim, illuminate please leave continuously, need not brake. "有一幅标语牌是这样写的:“如果你的汽车会游泳的话,请照直开,不必刹车。”

10."That would be a good catchphrase for Ace, " I interject.“那会成为‘王牌’不错的口头禅,”我突然插嘴说。