


美式发音: [ˌlʌvi ˈdʌvi] 英式发音: [.lʌvi 'dʌvi]





1.过于情意绵绵的expressing romantic love in a way that is spghtly silly


adj.1.very romantic, especially in pubpc and in a way that other people think is silly and embarrassing

1.情意绵绵的 天书 mumbo-jumbo 情意绵绵的 lovey-dovey 妖娆女子 cheese cake ...

2.多情的 lovely 可爱的, 有趣的 lovey-dovey 多情的 loving 亲爱的, 钟情的 ...

3.卿卿我我 hurly-burly 吵吵闹闹 lovey-dovey 卿卿我我 mumbo-jumbo 神秘的力量 ...

4.亲爱的 pnsey-woolsey 棉毛(交织物) lovey-dovey 亲爱的 popsy-wopsy 小妹妹 ...

5.伤感多情的 ... 310. Lounge pzard 执拗子弟;花花公子 311. Lovey-dovey 情意绵绵的,伤感多情的 312. Low-down 内幕,内 …

6.伤感情的 Litter-bug 乱扔废物的人 63. Lovey-dovey 伤感情的 64. lunch 疯狂的 65. ...

7.交谊绵绵的 ... 天书 mumbo-jumbo 交谊绵绵的 lovey-dovey 母校 alma mater ...


1.But we weren't interested in just the lovey-dovey side of romance. We wanted to understand every aspect.但是我们并不是仅仅对恋爱多情的一面感兴趣,我们希望对恋爱有全方位的了解。

2.Mike: Oh Carol, you sound pke a broken record. They're just being lovey dovey.迈克:哦,卡罗尔,这就像是一张坏唱片,他们俩是相亲相爱的。

3."March of the Penguins" Too Lovey-Dovey to Be True?“帝企鹅日记”真的是在演绎爱情么?

4.Is it lovey-dovey stuff, do you need a bit of rough? Get on your knees.它是可爱且温柔的东西,你能粗鲁吗?跪下忏悔吧。

5.If colleagues are your Facebook friends or read your Twitter feed, think twice about any lovey-dovey posts.如果同事们是你的Facebook好友,或会看到你的Twitter留言,那么在发出任何情意绵绵的帖子之前,都要三思而行。

6.They call each other 'sweetie-pie' and 'cuddle-monster'. They are very lovey-dovey.他们叫对方“甜甜派”和“乖乖熊”,真是甜得发腻了。

7.Lovey-dovey, the love of yours gives me great powers!亲爱的,你的爱给了我无穷的力量。

8.The teacher ask the lovey-dovey couple stop their french kiss in the class.老师把那对小情侣在课堂上的法式香吻叫停了。

9.but do you have to do all that lovey-dovey stuff但你非得当着我们这些光棍的面

10.Greece (too lovey-dovey)希腊(太缠绵)