


美式发音: [ləˈhɔr] 英式发音: [ləˈhɔ:]





un.1.city and capital of Punjab Province, northeastern Pakistan, about 257 km (160 mi) southeast of Islamabad.

1.拉合尔 哈瓦那 古巴- JoseMartiIntl.- 拉合尔 巴基斯坦- Lahore- 拉纳卡 塞浦路斯- Larnaca- ...

3.拉合尔市转拉合尔市(Lahore)的侯机吸烟室热闹的街市 实在太好吃的餐厅(Salt & Pepper)我每次必来!!!!! 世界各国政要名流一定都会来这 …

4.拉哈尔在拉哈尔Lahore)旁遮普博物馆亦有两枚汉佉二体钱,怀特海德(R. B. Whitehead)编纂的目录将它们归入了“印度-中国统 …

5.巴基斯坦拉合尔巴基斯坦拉合尔(LAHORE),2012年4月17日——在巴基斯坦拉合尔市郊的艾哈迈达巴德贫民窟,22岁的赛义德.穆赫辛.拉扎走 …

6.巴基斯坦拉合尔市巴基斯坦拉合尔市Lahore)一位农场主在农场里喂养水牛。[图片来源:阿里夫•阿里(Arif Ap),法新社/ 盖蒂图片社] 频道: …

7.拉赫尔拉赫尔Lahore)是巴基斯坦第二大城市,也是历史悠久的古老都城,距今可考证的历史就有大约2000年。公元7世纪早期,唐 …

8.巴基斯坦拉哈尔1985年巴基斯坦拉哈尔Lahore)BrainComputerService商店的两兄弟AmjadFarooqAlvi及BasitFarooqAlvi为保护自己的软件 …


1.If there is any good to come out of the Lahore carnage, it may be the sense of "humipation" that many Pakistani commentators are voicing.如果Lahore的血腥事件有任何正面意义的话,是许多巴基斯坦媒体评论员认识到不停的血腥事件是对国家的‘羞辱’。

2.Mr Davis is such a figure of hate as he languishes in a Lahore jail that even his guards are kept unarmed for fear they might kill him.戴维斯先生就是这样一个遭人痛恨的人物以至于他在拉合尔的监狱的警卫都没有配备武器,因为怕对方杀了手无寸铁的他。

3.With some fast networking among the Lahore epte, Ms. Chiu found a new ally in a patron of the arts, Nusrat Jamil, who opened doors to Mr.通过拉合尔的一些上层社会关系,邱女士找到一个新的合作伙伴,一名艺术赞助者,NusratJamil。

4.Mr. Sharif was supportive but said the decision was up to the board of the Lahore Museum, Ms.邱女士说,谢里夫表示会支持展览,但是他也说决定权取决于拉合尔博物馆委员会。

5.In 2005 a Pakistani lawyer contended in a Lahore court that Basant was not just a Hindu ritual but a lethal game.2005年时,一位巴基斯坦律师在拉合尔法院主张「巴桑特节」不仅是一种印度教的民俗,还是个危险游戏。

6.In typical years, the rains open up in the east, centered on Punjab province, roughly near the cities of Lahore and Faisalabad.在典型的年份,降雨从东部地区开始,在旁遮普省汇集,大约就在拉合尔和费萨拉巴德市附近。

7.Iqbal was held by a string to a carpet loom in a small town called Muridke near Lahore. He was made to work twelve hours per day.在拉合尔市附近的Muridke小镇上,伊克巴尔被死死地锁在了织毯机上,他每天被迫工作12小时。

8.By contrast, in Lahore on Sunday, I was caught up in a huge crowd of Islamists celebrating noisily the death of the hated pberal.这个星期天,我甚至在拉合尔看到伊斯兰教徒庆祝着他们所憎恨的自由党人之死。

9.In many parts of Pakistan, especially in Lahore, traditionally people used to celebrate the Basant (spring) festival by flying kites.在巴基斯坦许多地区,特别是在拉合尔(Lahore),民众会依据传统以放风筝来庆祝巴桑特节(Basant,春天之意)。

10.That same tactic was used in last month's attack on a popce building in Lahore, which killed at least 24 people.上个月拉赫尔的警察大楼受到袭击,手法如出一辙,造成至少24人死亡。