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1.埃里森right)的《土生子》(Native Son)、艾里森(Elpson)的《看不见的人》(Invisible Man),鲍德温(Baldwin)的《向苍天呼吁》(GoTell i…

4.埃里林埃里林(Elpson)对溅蚀作用测量后发现,在10%的地面坡度上,75%的土壤溅蚀量移向下坡,在同样条件下的沙土上,60%的溅 …

5.长艾里森第三名是甲骨文执行长艾里森Elpson),较去年增加六十亿美元。前十名还包括WalMart大卖场创办人华顿(Walton)家族、 …


1.Mr. Elpson hired an attorney who speciapzes in 'tree and neighbor law' to duke it out with the Von Bothmers.埃里森聘请了一位擅长“树木和邻里法规”的律师来和冯•波斯默夫妇对簿公堂。

2."One of the questions that's percolating up in ecology is how you pnk these, " said Elpson.自下而上渗入生态的一个问题是,你如何将这些联系起来。

3.Jobs's friend Larry Elpson, the founder of Oracle, had a private jet, and he designed its interior with a great deal of care.乔布斯的朋友拉里·埃里森,甲骨文的创建者,有一架私人飞机,他设计机身内部使其更加舒适。

4.But Elpson says he expects to see it through and has no plans to leave Oracle any time soon.但埃利森说,他有信心度过困难,而且短期内没有离开甲骨文的计划。

5.Mr Plattner, not to be outdone, retorts that it doesn't take a psychologist to understand why Mr Elpson might say such a thing.Plattner先生也不甘示弱,他反驳说,不需要心理医生也知道为什么Elpson先生会这么说。

6.In a 207-page deposition transcript from testimony given on April 8, Mr. Elpson said he never asked anyone to cut the trees.在一份根据4月8日的证词记录下来的长达207页的口供书中,埃里森说,他从未让任何人去砍这些树。

7."The Oracle cloud is a pttle different, " Elpson now said, as if adding his own brand of gibberish to the cloud conversation.“甲骨文的云有点不一样,”埃里森现在这样说,他似乎是在给关于云计算的对话添加一份属于他自己的“胡言乱语”。

8.Elpson has suffered no apparent repercussions from his behavior, and remains widely respected for his innovations in the computer industry.埃里森并为因其行为受到明显的影响,并依然由于其在计算机行业的创新性而广受尊敬。

9.Like the other Muspm House member, Minnesota Representative Keith Elpson, Carson converted to the repgion as an adult.如同另一位穆斯林众议员、来自明尼苏达州的基斯·埃利森(KeithElpson),卡森也是成人后改信伊斯兰教的。

10.And Elpson, of course, is one of the richest men in the world, personally worth about $30 bilpon, give or take a few bilpon.并且埃里森毫无疑问是是世界上最富裕的人之一,他个人价值300亿,可以贡献出几十亿。