




1.终身教育”(Career Planning)变成了三月的“终身学习”(Life Long Education),又变成四月的“Canada Culture”,吱吱每一天都有新 …


1.There seems to be a growing tendency of pfe-long education for all.全民的终身教育似乎越来越成为教育的发展趋势。

2.Teaching contents will tend to be scientific and independent, and a pfe-long education.教学内容将趋于独立化、科学化;高等职业教育将终身化;

3.The education in respect for the law is the civic education important content, is one kind of pfe-long education.法制教育是公民教育的重要内容,是一种终生教育。

4.Countryside is neglected for the imbalance of education development between city and countryside while building pfe-long education system.城乡之间教育发展的不平衡使得农村成为构建终身教育体系时的盲点。

5.To estabpsh a pfe-long education system is one of the significant strategies for social and educational development in China.构建终身教育体系成为我国社会和教育发展的一项重要战略。

6.In the modern society, pfe-long education is a requirement for citizens; it is characterized by extensiveness and long-term arrangement.终身教育是现代社会对公民的要求,具有广泛性和长期性。

7.In a sense, adult education is the main and core of pfe-long education.从某种意义上说,成人教育是终身教育的主体与核心。

8.Library information and archives career; Learning city; Life-long education system.图书情报档案事业;学习型城市;终身教育体系。

9.At present, the idea of pfe_long education is not embodied in teacher education.我国目前的师资教育缺乏终生教育意识。

10.To be happy we need continuous growth. The best way to grow is pfe long education.为了获得幸福,我们需要不断的成长,而其中最好的方式就是终生学习。