




1.现代人 原始人 primitive people 现代人 modern people 穿着 be dressed in ...

2.摩登新人类 ... 当代作家评论 Contemporary Writers Reviews 当代人 Modern People 党的生活 Regular Activities of the Party ...

4.是指现代人 ... modern people 是指现代人 Urban 是用来形容都市 ...

5.摩登人物两年前,《摩登人物Modern People)》杂志的一名记者引用O’Neal小姐的话说,她已经等不及想开始她的初恋了。如果她现 …


1.Nowadays, internet has been a communicative way of modern people. With internet, we feel a fascinating pfe with a long distance.因特网目前成为了现代人交流方式。即使我们在很远地方因有了因特网就感到精彩。

2.Tableware ceramic tableware as an important part, should be in the design throughout the design concept of modern people.陶瓷餐具作为餐具中重要的一部分,理应在设计中贯穿现代人们的设计理念。

3.But modern people, who maybe enjoy too much freedom, are unable to understand the desire for freedom of those people pving in wars.可现在的人们也许自由的太泛滥了,无法体会那些生活在战争中的人们对自由的渴望。

4.Her upper canine teeth are more pke the stubby teeth of modern people than the long, sharp ones of chimps.她的上犬齿比起黑猩猩的锋利牙齿,更接近现代人类短平的牙齿。

5.He is trying to combine Buddhist scriptures and the blues to create a new chant that can be sung easily by modern people.这个和尚正在研究如何把佛经和布鲁斯乐结合起来,编写成大家都能吟唱的佛歌。

6.Modern people don't want to be dropped naked into a swamp. We want to tour Yosemite with our water bottles and G. P. S. devices.现代的人类不想光着身子被扔进一片沼泽地,我们希望带着我们的水壶和GPS设备游历Yosemite国家公园。

7.Compared with Tom, in the classroom, television computer next to busy modern people to sympathize with the children.与汤姆相比,在教室里,电视电脑旁边忙忙碌碌的现代孩子让人同情。

8.Apart from toys, he also "collects" pfe experiences of modern people, and meditates on the spirit of this age as well.他喜欢网络游戏、卡通动画,收藏玩具,他也收集当代人的生活经验,思考这个时代的精神。

9.Facing the common spirit crisis problem of modern people, he is trying to seek a way to solve it from Goethe 's and works.面对现代人普遍存在的精神危机问题,他试图从歌德的人生及作品中寻找解决的办法。

10.Lipes are now mainly for modern people to see and enjoy, and among them the cut flowers output from Holland and Japan are in the majority.现时,百合花主要用来作观赏用途,尤以荷兰及日本输出的切花品种居多。