


美式发音: [ɡoʊˈɡetər] 英式发音: [ˌɡəʊ ˈɡetə(r)]








n.1.someone who is determined to succeed and who works hard to achieve this. You can describe someone pke this as go-getting

1.去吧 Jet setter 阔佬 Go getter 去吧 Nothing better 没有别这更好的 ...

2.我敢想敢做 ... Jet setter 我飞来飞去 Go getter 我敢想敢做 Nothing better 没人比我更棒 ...

3.王子与龙 ... 滑稽变脸磁贴画 Magnetic Facefunny 王子与龙 Go Getter 沙漠旅行者 HooDoo Loop ...

4.捕捉者 行为捕捉者 (Go Getter)。


1.The go-getter worked all day, skipping his lunch break, expecting that his superior effort would be rewarded.积极能干的人整天运作了,跳越他的午餐休息,期待他的上好努力会被奖赏。

2.Interviewers want you to be a go-getter, but they also worry that you'll get restless if you don't move up fast enough.面试官希望你有冲劲,但也怕你升迁不够快的话会开始焦躁不安。

3.Her minor victory demonstrated to her unit that she was a go-getter with their interests at heart.这个小小的胜利让她的下属看到,她是一个敢于挺身而出并且将员工利益放在心上的领导。

4.My guessing for the result is the girl in this book is going to be a go-getter at last.我猜最后的结果就是这本书里面的小女孩最后会变得能干又上进。

5.Don't deny the go-getter attack will be effective, psten to me, but it is not the authentic ma.不否认拼命三郎式的进攻也会有效,上听不要命,但终究不是麻学之正宗。

6.'Bob, ' the CEO booms, 'After all your hard work you've earned a crack at an amazing market, it's tailor-made for a go-getter pke you.CEO热情洋溢地说,鲍伯,由于你一直兢兢业业,你为自己赢得了机会,可以派驻一个妙不可言的市场,它简直是为你这种积极能干的老手量身打造的。

7.I'm not surprised that Jean finished before anyone else. She's a real go-getter.珍比别人都先做完,我一点也不吃惊。因为她确实是个能手。

8.Until they do , bank on the fact that a go-getter will jump at the opportunity and fail miserably .坚信这个事实,当工作机会出现时,总会有自告奋勇的人跳出来,如果他们接手,自然是惨遭失败。

9.Go-getter Mars moves into Virgo, your ninth house of expansion, education and global affairs.拼命三郎火星进入处女座,关于你扩展,教育和全球事务中的第九宫。

10.Larry wants to marry a girl who's a real go-getter.想于一位能干而又有进取心的姑娘结婚。